Daniil Zaytsev wrote:
> Hi.
> How can i set up PPPoE connection in oi-151. Especially i can not
> understand where and how is to enter and password to be authorized by my
> provider.
> It needs for internet availability.

There's a fairly good how-to guide here:


Other places to look include the pppoec(1M) and sppptun(1M) manual pages.

If you have trouble with it, please post your configuration details and
the results of any debugging you've done, particularly log messages.

Typically, the user name is entered into a new file in /etc/ppp/peers/
(see the "myisp.tmpl" file there for an example configuration, albeit
for dial-up), and the pass phrase is added to /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
(which also contains usage details).

For example, you might create a file called /etc/ppp/peers/pppoeisp and
put into it:

        plugin pppoe.so
        connect "/usr/lib/inet/pppoec e1000g0"
        user daniil

and then add this to /etc/ppp/pap-secrets:

        daniil * "Daniil's Password"

You would then invoke the connection with "pppd call pppoeisp" or (to do
this with debugging enabled, and debug messages written to your
terminal) "pppd call pppoeisp debug updetach".

More information about the PPP level of configuration (as opposed to the
low-level PPPoE plumbing) is available in the pppd(1M) manual page.

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <carls...@workingcode.com>

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