Lucas Van Tol wrote:
> I had been trying to work out some kind of HA using iscsi LUNS + ZFS mirror 
> on top of that; but I never got around to figuring out an automated failover 
> process.
> You would want the master to not share out it's LUN; and the other node to 
> check if there is a system at the 'master' address before trying to become 
> the master.   
> It probably wouldn't be very fast, but it might be sufficient if you can get 
> the failover worked out.

I can't say I've seen great results from hand-crafted reinventions of
the clustering wheel.

If clustering is what you need, then I suggest considering how much you
value your data, and spend accordingly on a workable solution.  Just my
suggestion, though.

If you are certain that you don't want a full clustering solution, there
might be an alternative.

I don't know what happened with it after the diaspora, but there was an
OpenSolaris VRRP project that was intended for just this sort of
individual service fail-over configuration.  Even though the first "R"
in that abbreviation stands for "router," the designers in that project
intended to make it work primarily with things other than routing protocols.

Maybe you can find some pointers related to that ...

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <>

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