darkblue wrote:
> hi,
> I am a newbie with oi.
>  today, I installed oi151a on my workstation with oi151a-x86.iso(dvd)  and
> encounter some problem.
> 1. does it 32bit or 64bit?
> After finished installation, I issue "uanme -a", it display:
> SunOS oi-151 5.11 oi_151a i86pc i386 i86pc
> does this mean the DVD installer choose the 32bit version?


> but curiously, when issue "top", the os could see all the RAM(16G)

Try "isainfo" to see what instruction set families are supported for
applications on the system, and "isainfo -k" for the single family
supported for the kernel.  You should see "amd64" there.

> 2.
> my oi-151 hang on boot, when I follow the above link tutor, failed to show
> the boot process, why?
> I edited the kernel line to such as:
> kernel= xxx   -v -m verbose
> then press enter, and b
> what I can see is the picture which right bottom corner is "Powered by
> illumo"

You need to turn off graphical boot as well.  Use "d" in GRUB to remove
the spashimage, foreground, and background lines, and then remove
"console=graphics" from the kernel$ line.  That should allow you to do a
text-only boot.

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <carls...@workingcode.com>

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