On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 1:05 AM, James C. McPherson <
james.c.mcpher...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 17/11/11 05:45 PM, Jason J. W. Williams wrote:
> ...
>> Would this seem to be more of a controller issue or with the firmware
>> on the SSD? Trying to decide which vendor is at fault.
> I'd investigate the SSD first.

On further investigation, I've found I can trigger this on demand, by using
smartctl in smartmontools:

smartctl /dev/rdsk/c25t5E83A97010004563d0s2 -d sat -H

A gentleman on the smartmontools list made the following comment if we were
able to trigger it on demand with smartctl -H:

"If yes then the OS likely misinterprets the sense data as an error. The
SMART RETURN STATUS command returns its result in ATA output registers
which are returned as SCSI sense data by the SAT ATA PASS-THROUGH(16)
command (0x85). Some older SCSI layers do not properly decode this specific
sense data block."

Any thoughts on this?

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