Mike Hyde wrote:
> As I mentioned, this is a base install.  I am using NWAM for networking.  The 
> network is setup so that the interface IP comes from RA, and the dhcp server 
> only provides dns servers.  This does work on linux properly, so I believe 
> the network is setup properly.  

OK.  (Obviously, wireshark would tell one more ... )

> When I run dhcpinfo -i bge0 -v6 DNSAddresses I do get a DNS server address.

Because the Neighbor Discovery RFC is a bit touched in the head, that
could actually mean one of two things: either that there are no IPv6
routers on the network at all (!) or that one or more IPv6 routers are
there and are issuing the "other" bit in the RA.

I'll assume the latter, which would be a Good Thing here.

> So based on your email I need to create a eventhook file and through some 
> config into it.

Sigh; yes.  The intended design was that NWAM would simply take care of
this.  It was supposed to check for DHCPv6 completion and decide what to
do with the data based on its own set of priority rules.

Obviously, that isn't happening.  I'm not an expert in NWAM, so I'm not
sure how to find out where (exactly) the ball is getting dropped.  It's
not supposed to be like that.

But the eventhook work-around is fairly trivial.

>  Any idea where I would look to figure out what I need?

The man page for dhcpagent(1M) may be a fair start; it includes
examples.  Something like this might be useful:

case "$2" in
        grep -v "DHCPv6 $1" /etc/resolv.conf > /etc/resolv.conf.new
        for addr in `/sbin/dhcpinfo -i $1 -v6 DNSAddresses`; do
                echo "nameserver: $addr         # DHCPv6 $1"
        done >> /etc/resolv.conf.new
        mv /etc/resolv.conf.new /etc/resolv.conf
exit 0

The exact details will vary depending on how you want your network to

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <carls...@workingcode.com>

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