Edward Martinez wrote:
> On 11/11/11 06:48, James Carlson wrote:
>> But sources were indeed promised at some unspecified date after the
>> binary release.  Hope they carry through.
>> http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/opensolaris-discuss/2010-August/059310.html
>       Some solaris 11 code were published  and it appears some of the 
> files are  CDDL licensed . I guess this  is the only CDDL  source  will
> get. well,  maybe  for now.
>        http://oss.oracle.com/systems-opensourcecode/#oracle-solaris

I looked those files over carefully, and that appears to be just the
"must be distributed" third-party stuff, such as GPL'd components, and
few user-level example bits.  That's not at all what was referenced in
the link I provided above.

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <carls...@workingcode.com>

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