Hmmm.... I will avoid updating anything for a couple weeks and see if it cycles. I bet you might be on to something. Although that would be a very very MS kind of thing to do. I can't imagine Oracle would powercycle a server without direct intervention by the user. The NFS horror...

On 11/ 5/11 08:20 PM, James Carlson wrote:
On 11/4/11 12:18 PM, Daniel Kjar wrote:
The oracle board is down so I thought I would throw this out here...
every two weeks at 3:20AM my x2200 powercycles.

Oct  7 03:21:44 bio2 genunix: [ID 540533 kern.notice] ^MSunOS Release
5.10 Version Generic_144501-19 64-bit
Oct 21 03:21:48 bio2 genunix: [ID 540533 kern.notice] ^MSunOS Release
5.10 Version Generic_147441-03 64-bit
Nov  4 03:21:51 bio2 genunix: [ID 540533 kern.notice] ^MSunOS Release
5.10 Version Generic_147441-04 64-bit
Note that the kernel's version number is changing each time.  I suspect
this is caused by an automated installer that is enabled on this system.
  I don't know what they might be calling it these days, but there was a
product called "Sun Update Manager" that would do this sort of thing.

Since this is S10 (rather than OpenIndiana or even OpenSolaris), you
might want to look into that.

Dr. Daniel Kjar
Assistant Professor of Biology
Division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Elmira College
1 Park Place
Elmira, NY 14901

"...humans send their young men to war; ants send their old ladies"
        -E. O. Wilson

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