No network captures yet, I was kind of waiting for the fqdn to be fixed as I
was thinking it was related.  I think I'll have time to do it this weekend,
I'll load Wireshark on a Windows 7 VM and report back.

Also, I can open two different Explorer Windows (though if you quickly
navigate against both you may notice it) with two different aliases, what
matters is data transfer.  If I'm copying/reading data on alias1 and I start
another on alias2, alias1 gets disconnected.  Same with writes.  I can
positively say, this never occurred with OS b129-134.  I first noticed it in
b134a, then Solaris 11 Express, and now OpenIndiana b151a.

Its probably related to the various SMB changes with Windows 7/2K8 so I'll
try to spin an XP VM up too (I don't have a physical XP box anymore)

On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 11:31 AM, Gordon Ross <>wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 12:48 PM, Jonathan Leafty
> <> wrote:
> > No they're just set up in DNS.  After b134 (any flavor, OpenSolaris,
> Solaris
> > 11 Express) it won't accept CIFS connections to DNS aliases.
> >
> > Windows 2008 is the same way, but you can flip a registry setting to let
> > Connections come in on DNS Aliases even if its not set as a SPN alias
> (the
> > more proper way).
> >
> > Which brings me to another problem.  I can't authenticate against the
> actual
> > AD SPN/Hostname, I get access denied.  But I believe I've seen a bug
> report
> > about it.  I can go to \\hostname, but not \\hostname.fqdn  if I had a
> > alias as a SPN alias, it will do the same.  I haven't packet sniffed yet,
> as
> > its not a huge issue and since there was a bug report.
> Yes, here's the issue for that:
>  Unable to connect to the CIFS server using \\servername.fqdn
> We have someone working on it.
> Perhaps your alias problem is related.
> Do you have network captures for the failure?
> Is it the session setup that fails? Tree connect?
> Thanks,
> Gordon
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