No. Why?
Gernot Wolf
Am 20.10.11 22:33, schrieb Michael Stapleton:
Is this running in a VM?
On Thu, 2011-10-20 at 22:20 +0200, Gernot Wolf wrote:
Grep output attached. Hopefully this attachement will go through ;)
Gernot Wolf
Am 20.10.11 21:25, schrieb Michael Stapleton:
Attachment is missing...
I'd like to see the whole things, but in the mean while
#grep -i acpi /var/adm/messages
On Thu, 2011-10-20 at 21:09 +0200, Gernot Wolf wrote:
You mean, besides being quite huge? I took a quick look at it, but other
than getting a headache by doing that, my limited unix skills
unfortunately fail me.
I've zipped it an attached it to this mail, maybe someone can get
anything out of it...
Am 20.10.11 20:17, schrieb Michael Schuster:
is there anything suspicious in /var/adm/messages?
On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 20:07, Michael Stapleton
<> wrote:
That rules out userland.
Sched tells me that it is not a user process. If kernel code is
executing on a cpu, tools will report the sched process. The count was
how many times the process was taken off the CPU while dtrace was
Lets see what kernel code is running the most:
#dtrace -n 'sched:::off-cpu { @[stack()]=count()}'
#dtrace -n 'profile-1001 { @[stack()] = count() }'
On Thu, 2011-10-20 at 19:52 +0200, Gernot Wolf wrote:
Yeah, I've been able to run this diagnostics on another OI box (at my
office, so much for OI not being used in production ;)), and noticed
that there were several values that were quite different. I just don't
have any idea on the meaning of this figures...
Anyway, here are the results of the dtrace command (I executed the
command twice, hence two result sets):
gernot@tintenfass:~# dtrace -n 'sched:::off-cpu { @[execname]=count()}'
dtrace: description 'sched:::off-cpu ' matched 3 probes
ipmgmtd 1
gconfd-2 2
gnome-settings-d 2
idmapd 2
inetd 2 2
netcfgd 2
nscd 2
ospm-applet 2
ssh-agent 2
sshd 2
svc.startd 2
intrd 3
afpd 4
mdnsd 4
gnome-power-mana 5
clock-applet 7
sendmail 7
xscreensaver 7
fmd 9
fsflush 11
ntpd 11
updatemanagernot 13
isapython2.6 14
devfsadm 20
gnome-terminal 20
dtrace 23
mixer_applet2 25
smbd 39
nwam-manager 60
svc.configd 79
Xorg 100
sched 394078
gernot@tintenfass:~# dtrace -n 'sched:::off-cpu { @[execname]=count()}'
dtrace: description 'sched:::off-cpu ' matched 3 probes
automountd 1
ipmgmtd 1
idmapd 2
in.routed 2
init 2 2
netcfgd 2
ssh-agent 2
sshd 2
svc.startd 2
fmd 3
hald 3
inetd 3
intrd 3
hald-addon-acpi 4
nscd 4
gnome-power-mana 5
sendmail 5
mdnsd 6
devfsadm 8
xscreensaver 9
fsflush 10
ntpd 14
updatemanagernot 16
mixer_applet2 21
isapython2.6 22
dtrace 24
gnome-terminal 24
smbd 39
nwam-manager 58
zpool-rpool 65
svc.configd 79
Xorg 82
sched 369939
So, quite obviously there is one executable standing out here, "sched",
now what's the meaning of this figures?
Gernot Wolf
Am 20.10.11 19:22, schrieb Michael Stapleton:
Hi Gernot,
You have a high context switch rate.
#dtrace -n 'sched:::off-cpu { @[execname]=count()}'
For a few seconds to see if you can get the name of and executable.
On Thu, 2011-10-20 at 18:44 +0200, Gernot Wolf wrote:
Hello all,
I have a machine here at my home running OpenIndiana oi_151a, which
serves as a NAS on my home network. The original install was OpenSolaris
2009.6 which was later upgraded to snv_134b, and recently to oi_151a.
So far this OSOL (now OI) box has performed excellently, with one major
exception: Sometimes, after a reboot, the cpu load was about 50-60%,
although the system was doing nothing. Until recently, another reboot
solved the issue.
This does not work any longer. The system has always a cpu load of
50-60% when idle (and higher of course when there is actually some work
to do).
I've already googled the symptoms. This didn't turn up very much useful
info, and the few things I found didn't apply to my problem. Most
noticably was this problem which could be solved by disabling cpupm in
/etc/power.conf, but trying that didn't show any effect on my system.
So I'm finally out of my depth. I have to admit that my knowledge of
Unix is superficial at best, so I decided to try looking for help here.
I've run several diagnostic commands like top, powertop, lockstat etc.
and attached the results to this email (I've zipped the results of kstat
because they were>1MB).
One important thing is that when I boot into the oi_151a live dvd
instead of booting into the installed system, I also get the high cpu
load. I mention this because I have installed several things on my OI
box like vsftpd, svn, netstat etc. I first thought that this problem
might be caused by some of this extra stuff, but getting the same system
when booting the live dvd ruled that out (I think).
The machine is a custom build medium tower:
S-775 Intel DG965WHMKR ATX mainbord
Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 CPU 1.8GHz
1x IDE DVD recorder
1x IDE HD 200GB (serves as system drive)
6x SATA II 1.5TB HD (configured as zfs raidz2 array)
I have to solve this problem. Although the system runs fine and
absolutely serves it's purpose, having the cpu at 50-60% load constantly
is a waste of energy and surely a rather unhealthy stress on the hardware.
Anyone any ideas...?
Gernot Wolf
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