Is there some hello-world-starter-SFEspec-file or some SFE-for-the-really-retarded I could read to get me thru doing this?

On 2011-10-17 04:09, wrote:
Message: 6
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2011 15:46:46 -0400
From: Alex Viskovatoff<>
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] DLNA/UPnP server for OI151a?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

On Sun, 2011-10-16 at 18:43 +0200, Hans J. Albertsson wrote:
>  I'm running serviio as a DLNA server on my Supermicro server
>  with OI151a, with very good results.
> > I'm thinking of producing a pkg IPS package, and was wondering if there
>  is some sort of cheat sheet or simple example code for doing this.
> > Serviiio is a java library, started from a shell script.
>  I'm currently running the linux version straight out of the box,
>  starting it manually.
>  It has absolutely no problem running in OI151a.
> > I suppose the daemon should be a service in smf, and the "control
>  console" a command in /usr/bin.
>  The only dependency is a good enough java, and the proper ffmpeg. So it
>  ought to be easy.
> > Is there some basic package example that could be easily modified to
>  provide an IPS serviio pkg in some repository?
Hi Hans,

An issue here is the dependency on ffmpeg. ffmpeg is not part of the OI
core; it is supplied by oi-sfe. Since oi-sfe is an extras repository, it
has been decided that packages in the OI core -- which are built with
the native OI build system called oi-build -- should not depend on
packages in oi-sfe.

This means that if you wanted to package Serviio, you would have to
create a pkgbuild spec for it, so that it could be incorporated into



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