Dan Swartzendruber wrote:
> I monitor a bunch of servers and such on my home system using nagios
> (icinga) on a ubuntu VM.  Each target has nrpe to handle the network
> requests and run the nagios plugins.  Has anyone gotten the nrpe/nagios
> stuff working on OI?  Google hasn't turned up anything useful, I'm
> afraid...

Nagios itself claims to run on Solaris 9 and better, which should
include OpenIndiana.

It looks like someone at Sun tweaked the software for OpenSolaris, which
would certainly be a better bet, but the links to the packages are all
dead; consumed by the Borgacle.


Perhaps this would be a better starting point:


James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <carls...@workingcode.com>

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