
Am 09.10.2011 17:58, schrieb Alexander Lesle:
> Hello Josef 'Jeff' Sipek and List,
> On Oktober, 09 2011, 16:39 <Josef 'Jeff' Sipek> wrote in [1]:
>> On Sun, Oct 09, 2011 at 04:20:50PM +0200, Alexander Lesle wrote:
>>> my opinion is that when we want to get openindiana popular that we
>>> need first a good documentation. Not only a good documentation for
>>> geeks but rather also for endusers.
>> I see no reason why the two projects can't happen at the same time. Writing
>> good documentation takes time (especially if it is multilingual).  It would
>> be silly to postpone everything else just to have documentation first.
> When you understand my statement wrong then is it because my english
> is not very well. IMHO we need docu, forum und mail-list and all can
> benefit from each other.
>>> Look at Ubuntu for the last 3 years. In the meantime they had a good
>>> documentation and a active community where you get help when you have
>>> problems. And they offered it in several languages because not
>>> everyone understand English so good that he understand the man-pages.
>> When Ubuntu started off, they "inherited" a lot of good stuff from Debian.
>> Perhaps we could use Sun's OpenSolaris documentation as a starting point?
>> (Depends on the licensing, of course.)
> I think that Oracle is not very amused and they deleted a lot of
> informations in the web in the last months.
> Lets us see what changes on opensolaris are done at maintenance this
> weekend.

the documentation was under Public Documentation Licence, but the page
of opensolaris is temporary not available.
How i read the Licence it is no problem to use the existing
documentation and extend it. Of course we have to remove all trademarks
of Oracle first.
>>> The openindiana wiki is outdated and confused, so I play in the last
>>> two weeks with www.dokuwiki.org. It can be set multilingual but my
>>> knowledge about openindiana is "half-depth" because I play with it
>>> until one year.
>> The wiki software itself is fine.  It's the content that is lacking.
> That's right. Feel free to contribute.
>>> When we find enough engaged guys who want to help to bring up a
>>> multilanguage documentation I will have a look for some webspaces.
>> I think, and I'm no expert, that the first step should be to have
>> decent documentation in *one* language and then go on a translation rampage.
>> Regardless, we need documentation.
> Jep.

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