Relax, Steve. It will all be ok.

This mailing list works pretty well actually. There is also an irc channel, 
#OpenIndiana, which I have found to be both friendly and helpful.

OpenIndiana is not Indiana, nor is it OpenSolaris. You will find more of a tie 
to Illumos than anything. Go to and you will see a link to a forum 
there if that is what you are after.

Sent from my iPad

On Jul 26, 2011, at 3:23 PM, Steve <> wrote:

> Uh, new to OpenIndiana (O.I.) and kind of dismayed to see the lack of any 
> community forum anywhere - with the exception to this mailing list... which 
> is hardly the ideal way to resolve an issue, or seek guidance IMHO. I was 
> able to find something at but the "Indiana" category appears 
> to be 'closed' - is there a forum aside from IRC and this listserv that 
> exists -to address targeted facets and innards of O.I.?
> Secondly - the O.I. FAQ fails to answer the question if Gnome (or the lack 
> there of) and if this GUI is the only differenced between the "148" server 
> and the desktop  installation binaries.
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