I see there have been meaningless one-liner anonymous wiki posts, for at
least the last three days.  The latest is:


But, you just have to look at recent changes (
http://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/Recent+Wiki+Changes), to see that most
comments (on "oi_150", "oi_151", and "2011.Q1 Foreverware") over the last
few days are mainly of this type of generic baseless comment.

First off, is anyone moderating this?  I tend to keep a close eye for
updates, so I could help-out, if needed.

Otherwise, could we enable a CAPTCHA requirement for Anonymous Wiki Posts,
or disable Anonymous posting altogether, until we determine how best to



Mark Humphreys (saskal...@gmail.com)
Regina, SK, Canada
OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

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