On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 6:14 PM, Gregory Youngblood

> That's just it - at least one of the cards he purchased in an effort to set
> up an OpenSolaris or OpenIndiana file server came directly off the HCL,
> brand/chipset/etc. The other cards were too.
> This was a gentleman that had at least 7 years working with server hardware
> and probably over 15 years working with computer hardware in general, in
> other words he was not a n00b. He used the HCL when selecting the hardware
> he tried to use. He followed reports about specific cards with chipsets that
> supposedly worked, and ultimately also tried purchasing the exact brand and
> model in the HCL itself. Despite doing all the right things, he didn't end
> up with a functional system, and after several days got fed up and moved on.

This is in a nutshell why I'm eagerly watching ZFS on FreeBSD get better.
 FreeBSD has much better support for common disk controllers, probably
because they're not hoping to sell own-brand hardware to end users.

David Brodbeck
System Administrator, Linguistics
University of Washington
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