On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 5:19 AM, Alexander Pyhalov <a...@rsu.ru> wrote:

> Hello.
> The problem was resolved. It was related to interface and vlan setup.  I
> had vlan interface configured on top of the physical interface. IP address
> was configured on this vlan interface. Setting MTU on physical interface to
> 1504 and 1500 on vlan interface helped to resolve problem with OI
> repositories (or 1500 on physical and 1496 on vlan). I don't understand, why
> this settings had to be done by hands (e.g. on FreeBSD hosts with similar
> configuration I never corrected MTU manually - it worked without any
> interventions...
> --
I tried to update again and I couldn't get the image-update to complete.  I
was seeing similar errors to Alexander and no environment variables would
work around the issue this time.

I did a snoop capture and the first thing I noticed is that the
communication between my box and pkg.openindiana.org was ipv6.

I disabled ndp and tried again, this time everything went perfect and took
less than 15 minutes.  Previously it was taking nearly an hour.

Seems like there is an issue with ipv6 somewhere.

Hope this helps someone else!

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