> Well in cases like this I suggest people to switch to Windows or MacOS.
> In other words, people demand too much without contributing anything.
> A.S.

I cannot recommend Windows to anyone who doesn't have a specific need for it.

People who have not used Windows for a while can balk at the changes
they have made since XP, and often less so at the differences to an
Ubuntu (10.04) or Debian Installation ... especially if you change the
theme to WIndows XP (which I've only done once).

If the PC came with a License for Windows, I have no qualms about
installing VirtualBox using that License within the Linux shell, but
as a core OS I don't recommend.

I help people install Windows, but I always recommend something else,
and we've converted about 7 people in our Laboratories home PC's to

There are applications that only exist in the Windows world, video
editing software just isn't as good on Linux (don't talk to me about
Rendering farms, we're talking front end), iTunes only works on
Windows (but works fine in VirtualBox), a good proportion of games
only work in Windows (although Wine is supporting a good number
nowadays) ...

However, I'm not sadistic enough to install Solaris on anyone's home
computer, although my colleagues have threatened that I will to
certain people if they come in again.

I run it on my work laptop, it takes about 8 times the resources to do
(almost) the same work, and boots exceptionally slowly ... but, for
some reason I can't fathom, I still love it ...

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