# pkg install pkg:/system/security/kerberos-5
# kclient

It's a wizard that supports setting up joining to an AD domain. That
will get you started. I have a cheat sheet that I can send from home
later if you need it. I wrote down what I did because it took a while
to get it all working well.

On Monday, February 28, 2011, Gordon Ross <gordon.w.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 12:21 PM, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
> <r...@karlsbakk.net> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> Setting up a new server for a remote office now, I'll be integrating it all 
>> into AD. After following a few howtos, it seems to work well. However, I 
>> still have a few issues:
>>  - The home directory property doesn't seem to be set, even if I set "Local 
>> Path" under "Home folder" in the "Profile" tab in AD. NIS extensions are 
>> installed, so the homedir is set there, but neither of them show up in 
>> getent.
> I think that's determined on the AD server.  Not sure why your client
> would get an empty homedir...
>>  - I want to allow users to login to servers on S10, Linux and OI using 
>> their AD accounts, but this doesn't seem to work. I can't find any AD PAM 
>> module, and I didn't have much luck with SMB. The docs said passwd should 
>> create compatible passwords after a change, but passwd didn't let me do much:
> The integration is not that complete on *solaris.
> With an AD account, you can connect via the SMB service, but not login 
> locally.
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