On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 14:27, Hans J. Albertsson
<hans.j.alberts...@branneriet.se> wrote:
> I have an installation of OpenSolaris b134, with lots of addons: SunRay
> Software, mplayer, VirtualBox... almost anything I could find got installed.
> Make no mistake: it is ALL useful to me and my users, so there isn't
> anything that can be removed out-of-hand.
> But: We do want to move on! OI b148 is my target, right now.
> I have tried to upgrade from OSol b134 to OI b147 or b148 since OI became
> available. I have tried everything and it's aunts, to NO avail.

you'd help us help you by telling us what "everything" consisted of,
in detail :-) (and no, don't reply to me in person, I'm not even in
front of a solaris box ATM :-()

> Is there a way to install a separate OI b148 from scratch? Like installing
> from the bootable DVD iso, on the same machine, w/o interfering with the
> existing OSol b134 environment.
> Is there a way to create an empty Boot Environment and install onto that? Or
> can one do it in some other, involved way?

the last time I heard about this it was "yes, you can do that onto a
seperate disk" (ie no two Solaris partitions on one disk). I wouldn't
even try doing that within the same root pool ...

> In the last few months, I have received massive amounts of "advice" on
> upgrading b134->b148, but none of the advice has been in any way useful.

see above :-)


regards/mit freundlichen GrĂ¼ssen
Michael Schuster

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