cool, but useless from my point of view. can sales always be synchronized in
case of web brower crash?


----------------Message d'origine-----------------
De: "Olar Alca"
A: "Andrew Higgs"
Copie à: ""
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2013 08:20:49 -0600


On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 8:16 AM, Andrew Higgs <<a
href="";>> wrote:

Hi guys,


How would we go about implementing Point of Sale in our stores? I would like
to have Head Office getting all the sales information from the stores but
where the stores can continue to function when their internet connection is


Is there any documentation on this yet?


Some questions I would like to get answered are as follows:

How would we keep products and employee synchronised between head office and
each store? Preferably each store should just needs it's own employees on
their system.
Where would we do stock control? In the store as the sale happens or at head
office as the sales are imported? 
How can we keep sales and stock separate for each store? Kind of like cost
centres. These would need to filter through all accounts.
Drawing a blank right now but I am sure there will be more questions.....

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks



Andrew Higgs

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