> From: Burton, Ross [mailto:ross.bur...@intel.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2017 20:31
> To: Huang, Jie (Jackie)
> Cc: OE-core
> Subject: Re: [OE-core] [PATCH 1/2] ncurses: add SYSROOT_DESTDIR for 
> siteconfig_gencache
> On 31 May 2017 at 09:27, <jackie.hu...@windriver.com> wrote:
> Why is this ncurses specific, it sounds like something which will impact all 
> users of siteconfig?

My original issue is not ncurses specific, that is:
After switching to RSS, the siteconfig cache files in ACLOCALDIR setup by 
autotools.bbclass was dropped, so searching
the path ACLOCALDIR for siteconfig files ended up with nothing, which caused 
some package (like openhpi) fail to configure, 
so the "PATCH 2/2" change it back to search SITECONFIG_SYSROOTCACHE.

But I met the second issue after the that:
util-linux depends on ncurses but the siteinfo in ncurses_config which is 
populated to SITECONFIG_SYSROOTCACHE  is not correct:

then it fails to build (it should be the same issue for other package that 
depend on ncurses), so this patch is needed.
And the patch will only impact the packages that depend on ncurses, for those 
without dependency on ncurses, there 
is no ncurses_config at all in their own recipe-sysroot.


> Ross
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