KERNEL_IMAGETYPES lists all the kernel images that we want to build. in
cb17b6c2a7 (kernel.bbclass: support kernel image type of vmlinux.gz), some logic
was added to support vmlinux.gz which is not a target built by kernel
makefiles (only vmlinux). It is clear that the goal of this logic is only to
support vmlinux.gz and not others compressed format (such as Image.gz) which are
valid target for kernel makefiles.

For Image.gz we should rely on the kernel makefiles and not do the compression
in kernel class.

This patch updates the logic used to filter out non supported kernel target from
KERNEL_IMAGETYPES, and make vmlinux.gz a 'special case', instead of *.gz. If
more special cases are needed in the future, we could add them in a similar way.

This patch should be a no-op for anyone using vmlinux or vmlinux.gz, and on top
of that it is fixing the build for Image.gz which was not working until now.

Signed-off-by: Nicolas Dechesne <>
 meta/classes/kernel.bbclass | 5 ++++-
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/meta/classes/kernel.bbclass b/meta/classes/kernel.bbclass
index 7a134d5c29..459b6d66a3 100644
--- a/meta/classes/kernel.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/kernel.bbclass
@@ -44,7 +44,10 @@ python __anonymous () {
         types = (alttype + ' ' + types).strip()
     d.setVar('KERNEL_IMAGETYPES', types)
-    typeformake = re.sub(r'\.gz', '', types)
+    # some commonly used kernel images aren't generated by the kernel build 
system, such as vmlinux.gz
+    # typeformake lists only valid kernel make targets, and post processing 
can be done after the kernel
+    # is built (such as using gzip to compress vmlinux)
+    typeformake = re.sub(r'vmlinux\.gz', 'vmlinux', types)
     d.setVar('KERNEL_IMAGETYPE_FOR_MAKE', typeformake)
     for type in types.split():

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