From: Leonardo Sandoval <>

Empty descriptions lines are set with a space following by a dot and
the multiline ones require a leading space. Also, for non-empty lines,
there is no need for formating with textwrap, so remove the logic for
the latter. The documentation for multiline description was taken from [1].


[YOCTO #10677]

Signed-off-by: Leonardo Sandoval <>
 meta/classes/package_ipk.bbclass | 11 ++---------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/classes/package_ipk.bbclass b/meta/classes/package_ipk.bbclass
index 5cc7e0a7b24..d2ce3b3e17a 100644
--- a/meta/classes/package_ipk.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/package_ipk.bbclass
@@ -148,16 +148,9 @@ def ipk_write_pkg(pkg, d):
                 description = localdata.getVar('DESCRIPTION') or "."
                 description = textwrap.dedent(description).strip()
                 if '\\n' in description:
-                    # Manually indent
+                    # Manually indent: multiline description includes a 
leading space
                     for t in description.split('\\n'):
-                        # We don't limit the width when manually indent, but 
we do
-                        # need the textwrap.fill() to set the initial_indent 
-                        # subsequent_indent, so set a large width
-                        line = textwrap.fill(t.strip(),
-                                             width=100000,
-                                             initial_indent=' ',
-                                             subsequent_indent=' ') or '.'
-                        ctrlfile.write('%s\n' % line)
+                        ctrlfile.write(' %s\n' % (t.strip() or ' .'))
                     # Auto indent
                     ctrlfile.write('%s\n' % textwrap.fill(description, 
width=74, initial_indent=' ', subsequent_indent=' '))

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