On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 1:48 PM, Davis, Michael
<michael.da...@essvote.com> wrote:
> I think most of the major distros have either switched or are in the process
> this year.

are there some info on the policy decisions of other distros ?
we should try to follow the suite then

> From: openembedded-core-boun...@lists.openembedded.org
> [mailto:openembedded-core-boun...@lists.openembedded.org] On Behalf Of Khem
> Raj
> Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 3:36 PM
> To: Alexander Kanavin; Gary Thomas; openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org
> Subject: Re: [OE-core] [RFC PATCH 00/10] Add openssl 1.1
> On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 12:34 PM Alexander Kanavin
> <alexander.kana...@linux.intel.com> wrote:
> On 05/10/2017 09:56 PM, Gary Thomas wrote:
>> Why not do this in a "softer" way - make the new 1.1 package have the
>> obscured name (and not be preferred by default)?  That way existing
>> uses of the older 1.0 package can continue but users can migrate to
>> 1.1 as they see fit?
> I have an answer which you might not particularly like. But here goes:
> What will actually happen is that no one will do anything to port their
> stuff until it's time to remove 1.0 because upstream has EOLd it. And
> then there'll still be complaints that more time is needed for the
> transition. I'd like to gently push people to plan this transition
> already now - and it's as gentle as it can be: if you pull from master
> and your things no longer build, make one simple change and they will.
> It's part and parcel of being on the bleeding edge, or rebasing to the
> new yocto release: not everything works exactly as before, and most
> components are newer and different and not always fully compatible.
> It is a cross distro item really we should find out what other Linux
> distributions are doing about it moving forward unless major distros also
> have same policy there won't be much momentum this would gain among the
> packages ecosystems this could also help in sharing the porting burden
> The other reason is that it's more work for me: I would have to update
> everything in oe-core to use the new recipe, instead of fixing just a
> few recipes that need to stay with 1.0. And then again the same thing
> will happen when 1.2 is out.
> Alex
> --
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