Hi Rebecca,

On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 09:09:23AM +0100, Chang, Rebecca Swee Fun wrote:
>Thanks Jussi, Richard was suggesting to add a note in the recipe about
>upstream regularly removing releases. Should I push a V2? Is Maxim working on 

If we were not in a Feature freeze, upgrading would have been the best choice.
I have tried to update SRC_URI of ed-1.14.1 to the following servers:

1. DEBIAN_MIRROR : version 1.14.1 is not available 
2. http://fossies.org: version 1.14.1 is not available.

>> From: Jussi Kukkonen [mailto:jussi.kukko...@intel.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 3:58 PM
>> To: Chang, Rebecca Swee Fun <rebecca.swee.fun.ch...@intel.com>
>> Cc: Patches and discussions about the oe-core layer 
>> <openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org>
>> Subject: Re: [OE-core] [PATCH] ed: update to 1.14.2
>>> On 11 April 2017 at 10:05, <rebecca.swee.fun.ch...@intel.com> wrote:
>>>     From: "Chang, Rebecca Swee Fun" <rebecca.swee.fun.ch...@intel.com>
>>>         The previous version of ed-1.14.1 no longer exist in upstream source
>>>             archive at https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/ed/. Upstream version was 
>>> being
>>>                 replaced by a brand new version.
>> Feature freeze is in effect: version upgrades should either wait until after 
>> release
>> or come with a very good reason.
>>Maxin sent a patch earlier to use the yocto mirror as SRC_URI: not ideal but 
>>the best we can do if upstream really wants to delete old releases...

Warm Regards,
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