opencv issue is fixed by removing one of pending master-next changes:
gflags: correct S and update library install directory

and ovmf was fixed in newer oe-core, so next report should be clean, unless
one of 50+ new changes break more stuff.

== Number of issues - stats ==
{| class='wikitable'
!|Date               !!colspan='3'|Failed tasks                     
!!colspan='6'|Failed depencencies                    !!|Signatures            
!!colspan='12'|QA !!Comment
||              ||qemuarm       ||qemux86       ||qemux86_64    
||qemuarm||max||min     ||qemux86||max||min     ||all   ||already-stripped      
||libdir        ||textrel       ||build-deps    ||file-rdeps    
||version-going-backwards       ||host-user-contaminated        
||installed-vs-shipped  ||unknown-configure-option      ||symlink-to-sysroot    
||invalid-pkgconfig     ||pkgname       ||      
||2017-03-30    ||1     ||2     ||2     ||N/A   ||N/A   ||N/A   ||N/A   ||N/A   
||N/A   ||0     ||0             ||0             ||1             ||0             
||0             ||12            ||0             ||0             ||0             
||0             ||0             ||0             ||      

== Failed tasks 2017-03-30 ==

INFO: Complete log available at

=== common (1) ===

=== common-x86 (1) ===
    * openembedded-core/meta/recipes-core/ovmf/

=== qemuarm (0) ===

=== qemux86 (0) ===

=== qemux86_64 (0) ===

=== Number of failed tasks (5) ===
{| class=wikitable
|| qemuarm      || 1     ||
|| qemux86      || 2     ||
|| qemux86_64   || 2     ||

=== PNBLACKLISTs (442) ===

=== QA issues (13) ===
{| class=wikitable
!| Count                ||Issue
||0     ||already-stripped
||0     ||build-deps
||0     ||file-rdeps
||0     ||host-user-contaminated
||0     ||installed-vs-shipped
||0     ||invalid-pkgconfig
||0     ||libdir
||0     ||pkgname
||0     ||symlink-to-sysroot
||0     ||unknown-configure-option
||12    ||version-going-backwards
||1     ||textrel

=== Incorrect PACKAGE_ARCH or sstate signatures (0) ===

Complete log:

No issues detected

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - bitbake ==
latest upstream commit: 
9215920 main: Improve -v and -D option documentation
not included in master yet: 
c7be363 world-image: add extra target

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - openembedded-core ==
latest upstream commit: 
d68a86d dnf: remove systemd units in nativesdk builds
not included in master yet: 
4dfe9c0 qemux86: Add identical qemux86copy variant for tests
3922e66 Extend the whitelist
0a0a528 recipes: Replace "cp -a" with "cp -R --no-dereference 
11a6716 buildhistory.bbclass: metadata-revs show repo parent
aed4adf8 metadata-revs: provide more information
efc1cfd report-error: Allow to upload reports automatically
6b52f4f Revert "openssl: Fix build with clang"
64c0a37 Revert "mesa: Contain configure search for llvm"

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-openembedded ==
latest upstream commit: 
f2dfae5 curlpp: 0.7.3 -> 0.8.1
not included in master yet: 
cd99d41 dnsmasq: disable the service by default
433ed04 gperftools: fix do_compile failure for qemuppc
99d4ea4 nginx: make user in nginx.conf consistent with the default value
9530df7 rapidjson: Update to 1.1.0 + git
c9efffc libtorrent, rtorrent: Update to latest
18095f4 sgio: Fix missing GNU_HASH errors
7246f84 libmatroska: Fix missing GNU_HASH errors
7bc10f5 smstools3: Fix GNU_HASH errors
3cd99b3 procmail: Fix GNU_HASH errors, pass LDFLAGS
2f26ed1 gradm: Fix GNU_HASH QA errors
1ce4dfb zile: Fix build with musl
9be90ec samsung-soc-utils: Remove -static
dc02354 digitemp: Update past 3.7.1 release
cf6f125 memstat: Fix build with musl
472a76d lvm2: Avoid an unnecessary dependency on bash
31520bf lvm2: libdevicemapper package needs udev rules and dmsetup
380ddf2 lvm2: fix lvm2-native RRECOMMENDS problem
ac7f99b gflags: correct S and update library install directory
c9070de libssh: Force to use gcc toolchain
9274e39 libnice: Upgrade to 0.1.13
83b9800 lio-utils: Fix GNU_HASH QA errors
ae26da7 nginx: set sane defaults for temp directories
f16faf7 nginx: make sure the user is correctly set for the volatile directories
827359b aufs-utils-native: define CC
40da0d5 fwts: upgrade to 17.03.00 release
d0e8e5c abiword: Mark gconv dependencies only for glibc
6426142 xfce4-mount-plugin: Fix build with musl
4bf0ad2 log4cpp: Upgrade to 1.1.2 rc5
7cfb249 ctdb: Fix build with musl
9fbd923 libndp: Include sys/select.h in ndptool.c
bf2cf44 libedit: Update to 20160618-3.1 release
56a223a python-slip-dbus: Update SRC_URI to github
4996156 alsa-equal: Update SRC_URI to something valid
4f8fb8c libdnet: update SRC_URI
6378e78 glm: Fix rootfs error for glm-dev install
2c52a62 wireless-regdb: fix crda failing from missing pubkey
b3ceca8 ntp: update to 4.2.8.p10
4ab7000 Fix comment typo "polkid" -> "polkitd"
8b8b786 php: fix install failure
f573685 atop: Fix build with musl
816a4d7 hwdata: use github instead of
b680012 mailcap: use instead of retired
fdf73fe libqb: use instead of retired
a521f94 libqb: inherit autotools-brokensep
4593be6 ttf-abyssinica: fix SRC_URI
4181594 ttf-liberation-sans-narrow: use instead of retired
17aebdf vboxguestdrivers: make sure that do_compile fails when some module 
failed to build
9d0363c vboxguestdrivers: upgrade to 5.1.18 to fix compatibility with 4.10 
d9b1a54 tcsh, dt: blacklist because tcsh doesn't respect CC variable
007eca4 zile: fix do_install
8f02287 meta-efl: blacklist efl-native and dependent recipes

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-qt5 ==
latest upstream commit: 
ff073f0 nativesdk-qtbase: pass -no-icu for deterministic builds
not included in master yet: 
b35dc32 qtbase-native: create empty oe-device-extra.pri
aa45f48 qtwayland: update build without xkbcommon-evdev
a126a5a Revert "qtbase-native: create empty oe-device-extra.pri"

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-browser ==
latest upstream commit: 
021a954 chromium-browser: add missing dependency on gperf-native
not included in master yet: 
a9dd704 chromium: disable generate_character_data for x86

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-webos-ports ==
latest upstream commit: 
4d4ffcb packagegroup-luneos-extended: drop qtscenegraph-adaptation
not included in master yet: 

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-smartphone ==
latest upstream commit: 
e39c265 android-system-image: fix builds that don't have overlay-libs
not included in master yet: 
4fa2b8b meta-shr, meta-fso: blacklist recipes depending on blacklisted 

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