proper attributions seem to have been totally lost here ...
On Wed, 22 Mar 2017, Bruce Ashfield wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 8:02 AM, Burton, Ross <> wrote:
> On 22 March 2017 at 11:57, Bruce Ashfield <>
> wrote:
> So where are they supposed to be specified ? Surely not a
> separate distro .conf ? and most
> certainly not in local.conf ... I've always been unsure of where the right
> place to specify
> versions like that.
> If it were my layer I'd have an .inc file that set all the preferred
> versions where the defaults don't work, that the user would have to
> include in their distro.
> Aha. Kind of like the old versions file that used to float around.
> Seems reasonable (if a bit less automatic than someone like me who
> wants .. to use the layer like a black box)
> Luckily I have push access to that layer, so I can make a change
> like that ;)
> One final question, is it considered a design option to set those
> versions triggered off an IMAGE or DISTRO feature ? i.e. in
> anonymous python .. or is that already too late in the
> parsing/resolution process ?
> Bruce
sorry, didn't mean to start something this early in the morning ...
ok, i did. :-)
in any event, can we agree that:
1) it's bad layer design if the simple act of including a layer in
bblayers.conf suddenly causes weird things to happen like the above?
2) regardless of how the developer eventually does it, picking up
those PREFERRED VERSIONS from meta-openstack should require *some*
kind of explicit selection?
thank you kindly.
Robert P. J. Day Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA
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