== Number of issues - stats ==
{| class='wikitable'
!|Date               !!colspan='3'|Failed tasks                     
!!colspan='6'|Failed depencencies                    !!|Signatures            
!!colspan='12'|QA !!Comment
||              ||qemuarm       ||qemux86       ||qemux86_64    
||qemuarm||max||min     ||qemux86||max||min     ||all   ||already-stripped      
||libdir        ||textrel       ||build-deps    ||file-rdeps    
||version-going-backwards       ||host-user-contaminated        
||installed-vs-shipped  ||unknown-configure-option      ||symlink-to-sysroot    
||invalid-pkgconfig     ||pkgname       ||      
||2017-03-15    ||4     ||4     ||4     ||N/A   ||N/A   ||N/A   ||N/A   ||N/A   
||N/A   ||0     ||0             ||0             ||4             ||0             
||0             ||0             ||2             ||0             ||0             
||0             ||0             ||0             ||      


== Failed tasks 2017-03-15 ==

INFO: jenkins-job.sh-1.8.19 Complete log available at 

=== common (3) ===
    * meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-support/devmem2/devmem2.bb:do_patch

=== common-x86 (1) ===

=== qemuarm (1) ===
    * meta-qt5/recipes-connectivity/libqofono/libqofono_git.bb:do_compile

=== qemux86 (0) ===

=== qemux86_64 (0) ===

=== Number of failed tasks (12) ===
{| class=wikitable
|| qemuarm      || 4     || 
 || http://errors.yoctoproject.org/Errors/Build/33915/
|| qemux86      || 4     || 
 || http://errors.yoctoproject.org/Errors/Build/33916/
|| qemux86_64   || 4     || 
 || http://errors.yoctoproject.org/Errors/Build/34634/

=== PNBLACKLISTs (351) ===

=== QA issues (6) ===
{| class=wikitable
!| Count                ||Issue
||0     ||already-stripped
||0     ||build-deps
||0     ||file-rdeps
||0     ||installed-vs-shipped
||0     ||invalid-pkgconfig
||0     ||libdir
||0     ||pkgname
||0     ||symlink-to-sysroot
||0     ||unknown-configure-option
||0     ||version-going-backwards
||2     ||host-user-contaminated
||4     ||textrel

=== Incorrect PACKAGE_ARCH or sstate signatures (0) ===

Complete log: 

No issues detected

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - bitbake ==
latest upstream commit: 
e455e40 toaster: resolve missing 'native[sdk]:' prefixes
not included in master yet: 
7b8d726 world-image: add extra target

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - openembedded-core ==
latest upstream commit: 
477805b wic: selftest: account for occasional newline in debugfs file names
not included in master yet: 
ea4cfd5 qemux86: Add identical qemux86copy variant for tests
2b668d7 sstate-sysroot-cruft.sh: Extend the whitelist
20180be recipes: Replace "cp -a" with "cp -R --no-dereference 
9e09509 buildhistory.bbclass: metadata-revs show repo parent
997fdda metadata-revs: provide more information
b8a5ee2 report-error: Allow to upload reports automatically
9eee58b rm_work: restore old rm_work_all
830f53e Revert "rm_work: restore old rm_work_all"
4126661 Revert "rm_work.bbclass: clean up sooner"
b96ea1d bitbake.conf: Add few more binaries to HOSTTOOLS_NONFATAL
6f9a0ae bitbake.conf: Temporary add few more binaries to HOSTTOOLS_NONFATAL

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-openembedded ==
latest upstream commit: 
1dff235 vim: add native BBCLASSEXTEND
not included in master yet: 
0fa3a88 netcat-openbsd: fix implicit dependency on pkg-config
d27cf15 inetutils: Move files only when src != dst.
2889a9e ebtables: Move files only when src != dst.
ec34e51 netcf_git: Check if src != dst while moving files.
0e1b685 dnsmasq: add info for port setting
b80d8ce dnsmasq: disable the service by default
8712656 ptpd: add pkgconfig to inherit
7faad88 samba: update tevent_internal.h
f25452b wireshark: update to 2.2.5
5f24fb9 postfix: remove references to buildmachine paths in target makedefs.out
8ed26e0 chrony: fix build failure for arma9
1a6700c libcec: update to version 4.0.1 and provide package for python3 wrapper
47f7f79 meson: Update to 0.37.1
14e8457 meson.bbclass: Add support for more standard installation directories
ae60e0d meson.bbclass: Make changes to meson.build files trigger reconfiguration
b2b8e3e meson.bbclass: Support building for native
ea83fbc meson.bbclass: Use the correct C++ compiler when cross compiling
8055f63 lvm2: fix bash depends QA issue
b4173fc python-pyserial: update to version 3.3
135418c fuse: update HOMEPAGE and SRC_URI
2829912 curlpp: update HOMEPAGE and SRC_URI
4902e90 libdnet: update SRC_URI
41a056d cherokee: update SRC_URI
deacf40 lmsensors: update SRC_URI and S
da983d9 recipes: delete obsolete patches
4cae8ae meta: do not prepend/append to BBCLASSEXTEND
a08f230 toybox: Fix configure failure
8cdc920 toybox: Upgrade to 0.7.3
cdf1f00 luajit: test SITEINFO_BITS instead of maintaining a list of 32bit 
dfca01b acpica: moved to OE-core
493978b devmem2: use different filename to avoid checksum conflicts
735a7b5 vim: Update to 8.0.0427
fe056aa efl: append -fPIC only for target builds
2edb15b scsirastools: add dependency on groff-native
871b5b9 openflow: add dependency on openssl-native
b89e68a lprng: disable clear support

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-qt5 ==
latest upstream commit: 
9927aac qtbase: PACKAGECONFIG[gtk] change gtk+ -> gtk+3 in dependencies
not included in master yet: 
4f44a57 packagegroup-qt5-toolchain-target: Add QtSerialBus to 
abc89e9 qtbase-native; do not build qdbuscpp2xml and qdbusxml2cpp bootstrapped
bd2258f packagegroup-qt5-toolchain-target: add qtquickcontrols2 package
18603cd qtwebengine: show progress for do_compile

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-browser ==
latest upstream commit: 
021a954 chromium-browser: add missing dependency on gperf-native
not included in master yet: 
a9dd704 chromium: disable generate_character_data for x86

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-webos-ports ==
latest upstream commit: 
4d4ffcb packagegroup-luneos-extended: drop qtscenegraph-adaptation
not included in master yet: 

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-smartphone ==
latest upstream commit: 
e39c265 android-system-image: fix builds that don't have overlay-libs
not included in master yet: 

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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