On 2017-03-08 07:40, Khem Raj wrote:
* This is converging the recipes for go from
  meta-virtualization and oe-meta-go

* Add recipes for go 1.7

* go.bbclass is added to ease out writing
  recipes for go packages

* go-examples: Add an example, helloworld written in go
  This should serve as temlate for writing go recipes

* Disable for musl, at least for now

* Disable for x32/ppc32 which is not supported

Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.k...@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org>

This is looking pretty good now.  I built go & go-helloworld easily
with no warnings, etc.  'go-helloworld' runs fine on my target.

However, there don't seem to be any packages for the target created
by the 'go' recipe:

$ ls tmp/work/cortexa9hf-neon-amltd-linux-gnueabi/go/1.8-r0
armhf-elf-header.patch         go               pseudo                          
build-tmp                      gotooldir.patch  recipe-sysroot                  
fix-cc-handling.patch          image            recipe-sysroot-native           
fix-target-cc-for-build.patch  license-destdir  

I manually copied the 'image' directory (which obviously has a lot
of stuff not designed to be on my target board) to my target and
'go' seems to run there.

There is a need for RRECOMMENDS = "git-perltools" once this packaging is set:

~# go get golang.org/x/tour/gotour
go: missing Git command. See https://golang.org/s/gogetcmd
package golang.org/x/tour/gotour: exec: "git": executable file not found in 

I ran through the tour (above) and things seemed to go well.

All in all, looking better.

Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world
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