On 1/27/17 7:17 AM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
>   i was poking around some apache module recipes, eg,
> apache-websocket_git.bb, and noticed:
>   DEPENDS = "apache2 apache2-native"
>   RDEPENDS_${PN} += "apache2"
> i can certainly understand that run-time dependency, but why would an
> apache module recipe have a build-time dependency on both the native
> and target form of apache?

it might be needing some tools which are build during building the
apache2 itself. Since we do cross compile we will have to separate
building native and target pieces of apache2. Thats one of reason why
such deps are needed.

>   is there something unique about the structure of apache that
> requires the native component of the sysroot even when building for a
> different target?
> rday
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