== Number of issues - stats ==
{| class='wikitable'
!|Date               !!colspan='3'|Failed tasks                     
!!colspan='6'|Failed depencencies                    !!|Signatures            
!!colspan='12'|QA !!Comment
||              ||qemuarm       ||qemux86       ||qemux86_64    
||qemuarm||max||min     ||qemux86||max||min     ||all   ||already-stripped      
||libdir        ||textrel       ||build-deps    ||file-rdeps    
||version-going-backwards       ||host-user-contaminated        
||installed-vs-shipped  ||unknown-configure-option      ||symlink-to-sysroot    
||invalid-pkgconfig     ||pkgname       ||      
||2016-11-29    ||3     ||6     ||4     ||6     ||3     ||2     ||9     ||5     
||3     ||12    ||0             ||0             ||0             ||6             
||2             ||0             ||0             ||1             ||0             
||0             ||0             ||0             ||      


== Failed tasks 2016-11-29 ==

INFO: jenkins-job.sh-1.8.12 Complete log available at 

=== common (2) ===

=== common-x86 (2) ===
    * meta-qt5/recipes-qt/qt5/qt5-creator_3.5.1.bb:do_compile

=== qemuarm (1) ===
    * openembedded-core/meta/recipes-sato/webkit/webkitgtk_2.14.1.bb:do_compile

=== qemux86 (2) ===
    * meta-browser/recipes-browser/chromium/chromium_52.0.2743.76.bb:do_compile
    * meta-qt5/recipes-qt/qt5/qtwebengine_git.bb:do_compile

=== qemux86_64 (0) ===

=== Number of failed tasks (13) ===
{| class=wikitable
|| qemuarm      || 3     || 
 || http://errors.yoctoproject.org/Errors/Build/25227/
|| qemux86      || 6     || 
 || http://errors.yoctoproject.org/Errors/Build/25228/
|| qemux86_64   || 4     || 
 || http://errors.yoctoproject.org/Errors/Build/25242/

=== PNBLACKLISTs (115) ===

=== QA issues (9) ===
{| class=wikitable
!| Count                ||Issue
||0     ||already-stripped
||0     ||host-user-contaminated
||0     ||invalid-pkgconfig
||0     ||libdir
||0     ||pkgname
||0     ||symlink-to-sysroot
||0     ||textrel
||0     ||unknown-configure-option
||0     ||version-going-backwards
||1     ||installed-vs-shipped
||2     ||file-rdeps
||6     ||build-deps

=== Failed dependencies for qemuarm (6) ===

Complete log: 
Found differences: 
Found errors: 
    * ERROR: 6 issues were found in these recipes: kodi libsdl2 webkitgtk

=== Recipes failing with maximal dependencies for qemuarm (3) ===
    * kodi -- 
    * libsdl2 -- 
    * webkitgtk -- 

=== Recipes failing with minimal dependencies for qemuarm (2) ===
    * kodi -- 
    * webkitgtk -- 

=== Failed dependencies for qemux86 (9) ===

Complete log: 
Found differences: 
Found errors: 
    * ERROR: 9 issues were found in these recipes: chromium kodi libsdl2 
libvncserver qtwebengine

=== Recipes failing with maximal dependencies for qemux86 (5) ===
    * chromium -- 
    * kodi -- 
    * libsdl2 -- 
    * libvncserver -- 
    * qtwebengine -- 

=== Recipes failing with minimal dependencies for qemux86 (3) ===
    * chromium -- 
    * kodi -- 
    * qtwebengine -- 

=== Incorrect PACKAGE_ARCH or sstate signatures (12) ===

Complete log: 
    * ERROR: 12 issues were found in these recipes: libsdl2 libsdl2-image 
libsdl2-mixer libsdl2-ttf

    * ERROR: 4 errors found in signatures.qemux86.do_configure.sigdata.log
    * ERROR: 4 errors found in 
    * ERROR: 4 errors found in 

    * ERROR: libsdl2 different signature for task do_configure.sigdata between 
qemux86copy and qemux86
    * ERROR: libsdl2-image different signature for task do_configure.sigdata 
between qemux86copy and qemux86
    * ERROR: libsdl2-mixer different signature for task do_configure.sigdata 
between qemux86copy and qemux86
    * ERROR: libsdl2-ttf different signature for task do_configure.sigdata 
between qemux86copy and qemux86
    * ERROR: 4 errors found in 
    * ERROR: libsdl2 different signature for task do_populate_sysroot.sigdata 
between qemux86copy and qemux86
    * ERROR: libsdl2-image different signature for task 
do_populate_sysroot.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemux86
    * ERROR: libsdl2-mixer different signature for task 
do_populate_sysroot.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemux86
    * ERROR: libsdl2-ttf different signature for task 
do_populate_sysroot.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemux86
    * ERROR: 4 errors found in 
    * ERROR: libsdl2 different signature for task do_package_write_ipk.sigdata 
between qemux86copy and qemux86
    * ERROR: libsdl2-image different signature for task 
do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemux86
    * ERROR: libsdl2-mixer different signature for task 
do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemux86
    * ERROR: libsdl2-ttf different signature for task 
do_package_write_ipk.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemux86
    * ERROR: 4 errors found in 
    * ERROR: 12 issues were found in these recipes: libsdl2 libsdl2-image 
libsdl2-mixer libsdl2-ttf

recipes-browser/chromium/cef3_280796.bb:PNBLACKLIST[cef3] ?= "BROKEN: fails to 
build with gcc-6"
meta-efl/recipes-efl/e17/diskio_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[diskio] ?= "broken: switch 
to https://git.enlightenment.org/enlightenment/modules/diskio.git/ and fix 
0.0.1+svnr82070-r0.0/E-MODULES-EXTRA/diskio/e-module-diskio.edc:58. invalid 
state name: 'off'. "default" state must always be first."
meta-efl/recipes-efl/e17/elbow_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[elbow] ?= "Depends on 
blacklisted webkit-efl"
meta-efl/recipes-efl/e17/elmdentica_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[elmdentica] ?= "OLD and 
depends on broken azy"
meta-efl/recipes-efl/e17/emprint_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[emprint] ?= "if you want to 
use these modules with E18, then you need to update it to git recipe fetching 
newer sources from http://git.enlightenment.org/apps/emprint.git/";
meta-efl/recipes-efl/e17/news_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[news] ?= "if you want to use 
these modules with E18, then you need to update it to git recipe fetching newer 
sources from http://git.enlightenment.org/enlightenment/modules/news.git/";
meta-efl/recipes-efl/e17/rage_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[rage] ?= "if you want to use 
these modules with E18, then you need to update it to git recipe fetching newer 
sources from  http://git.enlightenment.org/apps/rage.git/";
meta-efl/recipes-efl/e17/screenshot_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[screenshot] ?= "depends 
on blacklisted emprint"
meta-efl/recipes-efl/efl/azy_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[azy] ?= "OLD and doesn't build 
with gcc-5"
meta-efl/recipes-efl/efl/engrave_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[engrave] ?= "BROKEN: fails 
to build with latest oe-core"
meta-efl/recipes-efl/efl/entrance_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[entrance] ?= "broken: 
switch to https://git.enlightenment.org/misc/entrance.git and fix 
0.0.4+svnr82070-r7/entrance/data/themes/old/default.edc:678. invalid state 
name: 'defaault'. "default" state must always be first."
meta-efl/recipes-efl/webkit/webkit-efl.inc:PNBLACKLIST[webkit-efl] ?= "Old and 
unmaintaned fork with many security issues"
meta-efl/recipes-navigation/mcnavi/mcnavi_0.3.4.bb:PNBLACKLIST[mcnavi] ?= 
"BROKEN: latest version 0.3.4 is 3 years old and now broken with more strict 
ejde_cc from efl-1.13"
meta-filesystems/recipes-utils/dmapi/dmapi_2.2.12.bb:PNBLACKLIST[dmapi] ?= 
"Depends on broken xfsprogs"
meta-filesystems/recipes-utils/xfsdump/xfsdump_3.1.4.bb:PNBLACKLIST[xfsdump] ?= 
"Depends on broken xfsprogs"
meta-gnome/recipes-apps/epdfview/epdfview_0.1.8.bb:PNBLACKLIST[epdfview] ?= 
"BROKEN: images are not displayed anymore"
 ?= "rdepends on blacklisted mplayer"
 ?= "BROKEN: gmacros.h:182:53: error: size of array 
'_GStaticAssertCompileTimeAssertion_2' is negative"
?= "broken at least since April 2013 
http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.handhelds.openembedded/57920 and nobody 
complained, it's also replaced by gnome calculator"
meta-gnome/recipes-gnome/gdm/gdm_2.32.2.bb:PNBLACKLIST[gdm] ?= "Depends on 
broken gnome-panel"
 ?= "Depends on broken gnome-menus"
 ?= "This version conflicts with gcr from oe-core"
 ?= "BROKEN: fails to build because of python + conflicts with gnome-menu3"
 ?= "CONFLICT: depends on libgweather3 which conflicts with libgweather"
 ?= "Depends on broken gnome-menus"
 ?= "Depends on broken libgweather"
 ?= "BROKEN: not compatible with current libnotify"
 ?= "BROKEN: fails to build with gcc-6"
 ?= "BROKEN: fails to build with gcc-6"
?= "Depends on broken libgnomeui"
 ?= "Depends on broken libgnomecups"
meta-gnome/recipes-gnome/gnumeric/gnumeric_1.12.0.bb:PNBLACKLIST[gnumeric] ?= 
"Depends on broken libgnomeprint"
 ?= "CONFLICT: 876 files are conflicting with libgweather"
 ?= "BROKEN: fails to build with gcc-6"
meta-gnome/recipes-gnome/nautilus/nautilus3_3.2.1.bb:PNBLACKLIST[nautilus3] ?= 
"BROKEN: fails to build, maybe missing dependency on gnome-desktop-utils.h 
meta-gnome/recipes-gnome/pimlico/tasks_0.19.bb:PNBLACKLIST[tasks] ?= "Fails to 
build with gcc-6"
meta-gnome/recipes-gnome/pimlico/tasks_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[tasks] ?= "Fails to 
build with gcc-6"
 ?= "does not build with distroless qemuarm as reported in 'State of bitbake 
world' thread, nobody volunteered to fix them"
meta-gnome/recipes-gnome/zenity/zenity_2.32.1.bb:PNBLACKLIST[zenity] ?= 
"BROKEN: doesn't build with B!=S"
meta-gnome/recipes-support/goffice/goffice_0.10.1.bb:PNBLACKLIST[goffice] ?= 
"BROKEN: fails to build with gcc-6"
meta-gnome/recipes-support/tracker/tracker_0.14.2.bb:PNBLACKLIST[tracker] ?= 
"BROKEN: fails to build with new binutils-2.27"
meta-gpe/recipes-support/fbreader/fbreader_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[fbreader] ?= 
"BROKEN: fails to build with gcc-6"
 ?= "BROKEN: Failx to build with gcc-5"
 ?= "BROKEN: fails to use SDL probably because libsdl-config was removed, 
error: unknown type name 'SDL_Overlay'"
 ?= "BROKEN: doesn't build with B!=S (trying to install rendererconsole.py from 
${B} instead of ${S})"
 ?= "Not compatible with currently used ffmpeg 3"
 ?= "gst123 is still "sometimes" using wrong sysroot"
meta-networking/recipes-daemons/dnrd/dnrd_2.20.3.bb:PNBLACKLIST[dnrd] ?= 
"BROKEN: dnrd-2.20.3-r0 do_package: QA Issue: dnrd: Files/directories were 
installed but not shipped in any package:"
 ?= "BROKEN: not compatible with default kernel version 4.8"
meta-networking/recipes-kernel/netmap/netmap_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[netmap] ?= 
"BROKEN: Tries to build kernel module and fails, either it should be disabled 
or there should be dependency on kernel like in netmap-modules"
 ?= "BROKEN: fails to build with new binutils-2.27"
 ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ld-is-gold', "BROKEN: fails to 
link against sctp_connectx symbol", '', d)}"
meta-networking/recipes-support/nis/ypbind-mt_2.2.bb:PNBLACKLIST[ypbind-mt] ?= 
"BROKEN: Depends on broken yp-tools"
 ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluez5', 'bluez5 conflicts with 
bluez4 and bluez5 is selected in DISTRO_FEATURES', '', d)}"
meta-oe/recipes-connectivity/bluez/bluez4_4.101.bb:PNBLACKLIST[bluez4] ?= 
"${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluez5', 'bluez5 conflicts with 
bluez4 and bluez5 is selected in DISTRO_FEATURES', '', d)}"
 ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluez5', 'bluez5 conflicts with 
bluez4 and bluez5 is selected in DISTRO_FEATURES', '', d)}"
meta-oe/recipes-connectivity/soft66/soft66_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[soft66] ?= 
"BROKEN: depends on broken libftdi"
meta-oe/recipes-connectivity/wvdial/wvdial_1.61.bb:PNBLACKLIST[wvdial] ?= 
"Depends on broken wvstreams"
?= "BROKEN: fails to build with gcc-6"
 ?= "BROKEN: not compatible with default db version"
meta-oe/recipes-core/fakeroot/fakeroot_1.18.4.bb:PNBLACKLIST[fakeroot] ?= 
"BROKEN: QA Issue: -dev package contains non-symlink .so"
meta-oe/recipes-devtools/cloud9/cloud9_0.6.bb:PNBLACKLIST[cloud9] ?= "Not 
comatible with current nodejs 0.12, but upstream is working on it for v3"
meta-oe/recipes-devtools/ltp-ddt/ltp-ddt_1.0.0.bb:PNBLACKLIST[ltp-ddt] ?= 
"BROKEN: fails since last autotools.bbclass changes"
?= "BROKEN: depends on old deprecated libopkg which is currently disabled and 
will be removed soon"
?= "Needs to be upgraded for compatibility with new libdivecomputer"
meta-oe/recipes-gnome/gtkextra/gtkextra_3.0.5.bb:PNBLACKLIST[gtkextra] ?= 
"BROKEN: Fails to build with gcc-5"
 ?= "BROKEN: doesn't build with B!=S"
meta-oe/recipes-graphics/fim/fim_0.4-rc1.bb:PNBLACKLIST[fim] ?= "BROKEN: 
doesn't build with B!=S (flex: can't open lex.lex)"
meta-oe/recipes-graphics/slim/slim_1.3.2.bb:PNBLACKLIST[slim] ?= "does not 
build with distroless qemuarm as reported in 'State of bitbake world' thread, 
nobody volunteered to fix them"
 ?= "BROKEN: doesn't build with B!=S (Makefile without ${S} in sed call)"
 ?= "BROKEN, fails to build"
meta-oe/recipes-kernel/ktap/ktap-module_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[ktap-module] ?= "Not 
compatible with 3.19 kernel"
meta-oe/recipes-kernel/ktap/ktap_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[ktap] ?= "Depends on 
blacklisted kernel-module-ktapvm"
meta-oe/recipes-multimedia/mplayer/mplayer2_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[mplayer2] ?= 
"Not compatible with currently used ffmpeg 3"
 ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluez5', 'bluez5 conflicts with 
bluez4 and bluez5 is selected in DISTRO_FEATURES', '', d)}"
meta-oe/recipes-navigation/gdal/gdal_1.11.1.bb:PNBLACKLIST[gdal] ?= "BROKEN: 
fails to build with gcc-5"
meta-oe/recipes-navigation/gypsy/gypsy.inc:PNBLACKLIST[gypsy] ?= 
"${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluez5', 'bluez5 conflicts with 
bluez4 and bluez5 is selected in DISTRO_FEATURES', '', d)}"
meta-oe/recipes-navigation/navit/navit.inc:PNBLACKLIST[navit] ?= 
"${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluez5', 'bluez5 conflicts with 
bluez4 and bluez5 is selected in DISTRO_FEATURES', '', d)}"
meta-oe/recipes-sato/claws-mail/claws-mail_3.9.0.bb:PNBLACKLIST[claws-mail] ?= 
"depends on blacklisted libetpan"
 ?= "depends on blacklisted claws-mail"
 ?= "depends on blacklisted claws-mail"
 ?= "depends on blacklisted claws-mail"
meta-oe/recipes-support/apcupsd/apcupsd_3.14.10.bb:PNBLACKLIST[apcupsd] ?= 
"BROKEN: doesn't build with B!=S"
meta-oe/recipes-support/emacs/emacs_23.4.bb:PNBLACKLIST[emacs] ?= "qemu: 
uncaught target signal 11 (Segmentation fault) - core dumped"
meta-oe/recipes-support/fftw/benchfft_3.1.bb:PNBLACKLIST[benchfft] ?= "does not 
build with distroless qemuarm as reported in 'State of bitbake world' thread, 
nobody volunteered to fix them"
meta-oe/recipes-support/iksemel/iksemel_1.4.bb:PNBLACKLIST[iksemel] ?= "Not 
compatible with gnutls version 3.4 currently in oe-core"
 ?= "BROKEN: fails to build with gcc-5"
meta-oe/recipes-support/libetpan/libetpan_0.57.bb:PNBLACKLIST[libetpan] ?= "Not 
compatible with gnutls version 3.4 currently in oe-core"
 ?= "BROKEN: fails to build with gcc-6"
 ?= "Depends on blacklisted opencv"
meta-oe/recipes-support/opencv/opencv_2.4.bb:PNBLACKLIST[opencv] ?= "Not 
compatible with currently used ffmpeg 3"
meta-oe/recipes-support/openmotif/openmotif_2.3.3.bb:PNBLACKLIST[openmotif] ?= 
"BROKEN: doesn't build with B!=S"
meta-oe/recipes-support/opensync/libsyncml_0.5.4.bb:PNBLACKLIST[libsyncml] ?= 
"${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluez5', 'bluez5 conflicts with 
bluez4 and bluez5 is selected in DISTRO_FEATURES', '', d)}"
meta-oe/recipes-support/openwbem/openwbem_3.2.3.bb:PNBLACKLIST[openwbem] ?= 
"BROKEN: fails to build with gcc-6"
meta-oe/recipes-support/pidgin/pidgin-otr_4.0.0.bb:PNBLACKLIST[pidgin-otr] ?= 
"depends on blacklisted pidgin"
 ?= "BROKEN: Doesn't work with B!=S, touch: cannot touch `src/.stamp': No such 
file or directory"
 ?= "BROKEN: not compatible with default kernel version 4.8"
 ?= "BROKEN: many errors when building with gcc-6"
?= "rdepends on python-pycairo which was removed"
 ?= "RDEPENDS on python-pygtk was removed from oe-core"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/emtooth2_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[emtooth2] ?= 
"${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluez5', 'bluez5 conflicts with 
bluez4 and bluez5 is selected in DISTRO_FEATURES', '', d)}"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/ffalarms_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[ffalarms] = "Doesn't 
build after vala upgrade from 0.24.0 to 0.26.1"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/gwaterpas_0.3.bb:PNBLACKLIST[gwaterpas] ?= 
"broken: depends on blacklisted fltk"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/iliwi_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[iliwi] = "Doesn't build 
after vala upgrade from 0.24.0 to 0.26.1"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/intone_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[intone] = "rdepends on 
blacklisted mplayer2"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/jefliks_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[jefliks] ?= "depends 
on blacklisted iksemel"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/openmoko-gps_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[openmoko-gps] ?= 
"RDEPENDS on python-pygtk which was removed from oe-core"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/pisi_0.5.3.bb:PNBLACKLIST[pisi] ?= "RDEPENDS on 
python-pygtk which was removed from oe-core"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/podboy_svn.bb:PNBLACKLIST[podboy] ?= 
"${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluez5', 'bluez5 conflicts with 
bluez4 and bluez5 is selected in DISTRO_FEATURES', '', d)}"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/sensmon_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[sensmon] = "Doesn't 
build after vala upgrade from 0.24.0 to 0.26.1"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/valacompass_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[valacompass] = 
"Doesn't build after vala upgrade from 0.24.0 to 0.26.1"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/games/aceofpenguins_1.4.bb:PNBLACKLIST[aceofpenguins] ?= 
"BROKEN: fails to build with new binutils-2.27"
meta-shr/recipes-shr/shr/shr-installer_git.bb:PNBLACKLIST[shr-installer] ?= 
"Depends on blacklisted packagekit"
meta-luneui/recipes-luneui/luna-next/luna-next.bb:PNBLACKLIST[luna-next] ?= 
"BROKEN: needs to be adapted to new qtwayland-5.7"
PNBLACKLIST[android-system] = "depends on lxc from meta-virtualiazation which 
isn't included in my world builds"
PNBLACKLIST[bigbuckbunny-1080p] = "big and doesn't really need to be tested so 
PNBLACKLIST[bigbuckbunny-480p] = "big and doesn't really need to be tested so 
PNBLACKLIST[bigbuckbunny-720p] = "big and doesn't really need to be tested so 
PNBLACKLIST[bigbuckbunny-720p] = "big and doesn't really need to be tested so 
PNBLACKLIST[tearsofsteel-1080p] = "big and doesn't really need to be tested so 
PNBLACKLIST[build-appliance-image] = "tries to include whole downloads 
directory in /home/builder/poky :/"
PNBLACKLIST[linux-yocto-tiny-kexecboot] = "does weird sh!t breaking other 
kernels and modules - broken for years"
PNBLACKLIST[linux-yocto-tiny] = "does weird sh!t breaking other kernels and 
modules - broken for years"

QA issues by type:
count: 0        issue: already-stripped

count: 0        issue: libdir

count: 0        issue: textrel

count: 6        issue: build-deps
ffmpeg-3.2: libavutil rdepends on libvdpau, but it isn't a build dependency, 
missing libvdpau in DEPENDS or PACKAGECONFIG? [build-deps]
mpv-0.15.0: mpv rdepends on libva, but it isn't a build dependency, missing 
libva in DEPENDS or PACKAGECONFIG? [build-deps]
mpv-0.15.0: mpv rdepends on libva-x11, but it isn't a build dependency, missing 
libva in DEPENDS or PACKAGECONFIG? [build-deps]
opencv-3.1+gitAUTOINC+92387b1ef8: libopencv-sfm rdepends on glog, but it isn't 
a build dependency, missing glog in DEPENDS or PACKAGECONFIG? [build-deps]
opencv-3.1+gitAUTOINC+92387b1ef8: libopencv-text rdepends on tesseract, but it 
isn't a build dependency, missing tesseract in DEPENDS or PACKAGECONFIG? 
qt3d-5.7.99+5.8.0-beta+gitAUTOINC+6e8e228852: qt3d-plugins rdepends on assimp, 
but it isn't a build dependency, missing assimp in DEPENDS or PACKAGECONFIG? 

count: 2        issue: file-rdeps
numptyphysics-0.2+svnr109: /usr/share/numptyphysics/convert_all.sh contained in 
package numptyphysics requires /bin/bash, but no providers found in 
RDEPENDS_numptyphysics? [file-rdeps]
numptyphysics-0.2+svnr109: /usr/share/numptyphysics/convert.pl contained in 
package numptyphysics requires /usr/bin/perl, but no providers found in 
RDEPENDS_numptyphysics? [file-rdeps]

count: 0        issue: version-going-backwards

count: 0        issue: host-user-contaminated

count: 1        issue: installed-vs-shipped
mesa: 8 installed and not shipped files. [installed-vs-shipped]

count: 0        issue: unknown-configure-option

count: 0        issue: symlink-to-sysroot

count: 0        issue: invalid-pkgconfig

count: 0        issue: pkgname

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - bitbake ==
latest upstream commit: 
d140f0e COW.py: fix sample codes
not included in master yet: 
6d0590b world-image: add extra target

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - openembedded-core ==
latest upstream commit: 
9f1fe76 libpcap: Fix build when PACKAGECONFIG ipv6 is not enable
not included in master yet: 
30575b8 qemux86: Add identical qemux86copy variant for tests
143b64c sstate-sysroot-cruft.sh: Extend the whitelist
91d989d recipes: Replace "cp -a" with "cp -R --no-dereference 
7719b19 buildhistory.bbclass: metadata-revs show repo parent
b4f98e5 metadata-revs: provide more information
ef1e06a report-error: Allow to upload reports automatically
cd55355 libpcap: Disable exposed bits of WinPCAP remote capture support

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-openembedded ==
latest upstream commit: 
761639b mpv: Add libvdpau to DEPENDS
not included in master yet: 
c668f6d lksctp-tools: 1.0.16 -> 1.0.17
1547c8c remove True option to getVar calls
49ca57b drbd-utils: 8.9.3 -> 8.9.6
3e4dd3a squid: disable gnu atomic operations for mipsel
17acc5f chrony: remove unrecognized option ipv6
5e69f46 opensaf: fix QA Issue
296a94b tsock: Make use of LDFLAGS
03bc87c fwknop: Initial add 2.6.9
9e2356b samba: Fix build with musl
384edca ifenslave: make option '-h' work
61be422 libowfat: add v0.31
dc2592a samba: Fix qa issue and update ctdb-tests
f983e2f samba: correct sub-package name for multilib
f7b8642 curlpp: fix qa issue of do_configure
ba03167 ncp: add v1.2.4
dd47d91 syslog-ng: don't use update-alternatives to manage init script
2a77999 rsyslog: don't use update-alternatives to manage init script
de494a7 dnsmasq: read the conf files found in dnsmasq.d
775c0f8 dnsmasq: allow for dnsmasq instances to reuse default dnsmasq.conf
b7193a7 net-snmp: fix snmptrap to use clientaddr from snmp.conf.
3c83480 net-snmp: snmplib, UDPIPv6 transport: Add a missing return statement
1cde07a libva: Import from meta-intel and update to 1.7.3
2c845ee kodi: Add krypton/17.x Jarvis/16.x recipes
eb73dbd kodi: Fix build with pic on x86_64
2e7c6fe kodi-17: Add packageconfig for lcms support
d83238d kodi-17: Fix build with musl
8a40765 breakpad: Upgrade to latest
159dec3 arno-iptables-firewall: Add recipe
2d9312f dibbler: Add recipe
6ded968 ez-ipupdate: Add recipe
ba00827 miniupnpd: Add recipe
dc1e359 inetutils: Disable rsh,rcp,rlogin on musl
0c9a519 ssmtp: Add recipe
92c2c66 dante: Add recipe for 1.4.1
b23b8bb openobex,obexftp: Update recipes
6e6d5a1 ipsec-tools: Fix build with clang
389acf9 crda: Fix build with clang
6aef29f obex-data-server: Fix build with new openobex version
9ca1a6f kodi-17: Update to latest
50f34c5 tvheadend: Update to 4.0.9
0692969 memcached: Update to 1.4.33
1f76467 vala-dbus-binding-tool: remove redundant dependency on intltool
f278842 meta-oe: add explicit dependencies on gnome-common
93135d4 meta-gnome: remove redundant gnome-common dependencies
4d2ace2 meta-gnome: add explicit gnome-common dependencies
5748b4d xserver-nodm-init-2.0: Remove recipe
dbbfb3b xserver-common: Don't install some Xsession files
5c203e6 iscsi-initiator-utils: Update to 2.0.874
e18a0b5 iscsi-initiator-utils, open-isns: Add systemd to 
7357e52 samba: fix the hardcoded path in init script
5b93ff2 xfsprogs: Upgrade 3.2.3 -> 4.8.0
4312591 gpsd: fix multilib build
7971172 libdbus-c++: missing DEPENDS, fix musl build, oe-stylize.py
eaf694e meta_oe_security_flags: disable PIE for libdbus-c++
b496283 kodi-17: Fix build for qemuarm and update to latest
0d22878 ntp: update to version 4.8p9
9ea065e jsoncpp: Remove unused patch
c45c97b python-pyconnman: Add new recipe
eb164a3 xfce4-vala: fix build
0305ff7 libxml++: fix LICENSE

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-qt5 ==
latest upstream commit: 
81fb771 Update Qt5's git repositories to match new locations
not included in master yet: 
2542e2c Upgrade to Qt 5.8
825231c qtwebengine: use QT_GIT_PROTOCOL variable

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-browser ==
latest upstream commit: 
1edcce7 chromium-wayland: skip when CHROMIUM_ENABLE_WAYLAND isn't enabled
not included in master yet: 

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-webos-ports ==
latest upstream commit: 
e1432c6 libqofono: use the recipe from meta-qt5
not included in master yet: 

== Tested changes (not included in master yet) - meta-smartphone ==
latest upstream commit: 
176f337  linux-hp-tenderloin: Update kernel
not included in master yet: 
0ad046f meta-fso: replace deprecated bb.data.getVar('PV',d,1) with 
d.getVar('PV', True)

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