On 11/29/2016 05:38 PM, Nathan Rossi wrote:
On 29 November 2016 at 17:35, Robert Yang <liezhi.y...@windriver.com> wrote:
There is no network rather than lo whitout set device, so set it by
default. And set hostfwd: 2222 -> 22, 2323 -> 23

[YOCTO #7887]

Signed-off-by: Robert Yang <liezhi.y...@windriver.com>
 meta/conf/machine/include/qemuboot-x86.inc |  1 -
 meta/conf/machine/qemuarm64.conf           |  1 -
 scripts/runqemu                            | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 3 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/conf/machine/include/qemuboot-x86.inc 
index 0870294..06ac983 100644
--- a/meta/conf/machine/include/qemuboot-x86.inc
+++ b/meta/conf/machine/include/qemuboot-x86.inc
@@ -13,4 +13,3 @@ QB_AUDIO_OPT = "-soundhw ac97,es1370"
 QB_KERNEL_CMDLINE_APPEND = "vga=0 uvesafb.mode_option=640x480-32 oprofile.timer=1 
 # Add the 'virtio-rng-pci' device otherwise the guest may run out of entropy
 QB_OPT_APPEND = "-vga vmware -show-cursor -usb -usbdevice tablet -device 
-QB_SLIRP_OPT = "-net nic,model=e1000 -net user,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22"
diff --git a/meta/conf/machine/qemuarm64.conf b/meta/conf/machine/qemuarm64.conf
index df2010c..7a5570c 100644
--- a/meta/conf/machine/qemuarm64.conf
+++ b/meta/conf/machine/qemuarm64.conf
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ QB_KERNEL_CMDLINE_APPEND = "console=ttyAMA0,38400"
 # Add the 'virtio-rng-pci' device otherwise the guest may run out of entropy
 QB_OPT_APPEND = "-show-cursor -device virtio-rng-pci -monitor null"
 QB_TAP_OPT = "-netdev tap,id=net0,ifname=@TAP@,script=no,downscript=no -device 
-QB_SLIRP_OPT = "-netdev user,id=net0 -device virtio-net-device,netdev=net0"
 QB_ROOTFS_OPT = "-drive id=disk0,file=@ROOTFS@,if=none,format=raw -device 
 QB_SERIAL_OPT = "-device virtio-serial-device -chardev null,id=virtcon -device 
 QB_TCPSERIAL_OPT = " -device virtio-serial-device -chardev 
socket,id=virtcon,port=@PORT@,host= -device virtconsole,chardev=virtcon"
diff --git a/scripts/runqemu b/scripts/runqemu
index a10270c..7123b8f 100755
--- a/scripts/runqemu
+++ b/scripts/runqemu
@@ -147,6 +147,19 @@ def get_first_file(cmds):
                     return f
     return ''

+def check_free_port(host, port):
+    """ Check whether the port is free or not """
+    import socket
+    from contextlib import closing
+    with closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as sock:
+        if sock.connect_ex((host, port)) == 0:
+            # Port is open, so not free
+            return False
+        else:
+            # Port is not open, so free
+            return True
 class BaseConfig(object):
     def __init__(self):
         # Vars can be merged with .qemuboot.conf, use a dict to manage them.
@@ -751,14 +764,31 @@ class BaseConfig(object):

         self.nfs_running = True

     def setup_slirp(self):
         """Setup user networking"""

         if self.fstype == 'nfs':
         self.kernel_cmdline_script += ' ip=dhcp'
-        self.set('NETWORK_CMD', self.get('QB_SLIRP_OPT'))
+        # Port mapping
+        hostfwd = ",hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22,hostfwd=tcp::2323-:23"
+        qb_slirp_opt_default = "-netdev user,id=net0%s -device 
virtio-net-pci,netdev=net0" % hostfwd
+        qb_slirp_opt = self.get('QB_SLIRP_OPT') or qb_slirp_opt_default
+        # Figure out the port
+        ports = re.findall('hostfwd=[^-]*:([0-9]+)-[^,-]*', qb_slirp_opt)
+        ports = [int(i) for i in ports]

Should runqemu not just always supply "-netdev user,id=net0..." itself
for slirp. And qemuboot should supply only the devices, e.g. the "-dev
virtio-net-pci,netdev=net0" or "-net nic,netdev=net0". This could even

The problem is if runqemu only uses the part "-dev virtio-net-pci,netdev=net0",
and QB_SLIRP_OPT doesn't replace it, then the bsp,conf can't custom freely,
for example, its bsp may not support "-dev virtio-net-pci", then it would
cause troubles. So if bsp.conf wants to redfine the options, manage
the full options is better than part of them.

allow for consolidation of the "QB_SLIRP_OPT" and "QB_TAP_OPT" into

This way runqemu would not need to do any searching/substitution and

The searching/substitution is still needed, suppose you defined something
like: hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 in bsp.conf, then they will go into qemuboot.conf,
and it would fail when you run more than one qemu targets since the port
is used by the first running qemu.

could just build the user netdev arg itself. This would allow for easy
extension of custom forwards (e.g gdbserver, etc), and also even
setting up the in qemu user/slirp 'tftp=<dir>' server.

+        # Find a free port to avoid conflicts
+        for p in ports[:]:
+            p_new = p
+            while not check_free_port('', p_new):

Should this be 'localhost', since will only check for ipv4 listeners.

Sounds good, updated in the repo.

// Robert


+                p_new += 1
+                while p_new in ports:
+                        p_new += 1
+            if p != p_new:
+                ports.append(p_new)
+                qb_slirp_opt = re.sub(':%s-' % p, ':%s-' % p_new, qb_slirp_opt)
+                logger.info("Port forward changed: %s -> %s" % (p, p_new))
+        self.set('NETWORK_CMD', qb_slirp_opt)

     def setup_tap(self):
         """Setup tap"""

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