On 11/29/2016 11:45 AM, Paul Eggleton wrote:
On Tue, 29 Nov 2016 10:45:51 Robert Yang wrote:
On 11/29/2016 09:57 AM, Khem Raj wrote:
On Nov 24, 2016, at 10:59 AM, Paul Eggleton
<paul.eggle...@linux.intel.com> wrote:>>
On Thu, 24 Nov 2016 08:46:29 Patrick Ohly wrote:
On Thu, 2016-11-24 at 11:38 +0800, Robert Yang wrote:
Currently, debug-tweaks is in EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES by default for poky,
there is no passwd, so that user can login easily without a passwd, I
that current status is more unsafe ?

Both well-known password and no password are unsafe. User "root" with
password "root" is not even "more" safe already now, because tools that
brute-force logins try that. Choosing something else would be a bit
safer for a short while until the tools add it to their dictionary.

Poky is also targeting a different audience than OE-core. Poky can
assume to be used in a secure environment, OE-core can't (because it
might be used for all kinds of devices).

I don't think that's part of the design goals on either side, it's simply
about making development easier. The feature is clearly labelled "debug-
tweaks" because it's for debugging not for production. It could be that
should make it do other things like append a notice to /etc/issue to
people leaving it on for production, if that is a concern.

Sometimes such goals can lead to problems. Making development easier by
all means if you can ensure a hard error on production e.g. debug-tweaks
can then never be part of production images. Otherwise someone will
forget it and it will be discovered on millions of devices in field along
with the user project will be red-faced.

Right. FWIW in mitigation I did write the raw material for the following
section of the YP manuals, though I don't know how many people have ended
up reading it:


In there there is an explicit mention of disabling debug-tweaks. Looking
around the place it could be that we need more warnings about this being
on by default though.

Will something like IMAGE_FEATURES += "production" help here ?

I'd like to see something like this - at least give the user some way of
saying "I really am in production now, so error out on anything that I
shouldn't be doing there". I wonder if it potentially goes further than
just conflicting with things like debug-tweaks and empty-root-password.

We may also need something like IMAGE_FEATURES += "test" to make it can work
with -ctestimage.

Not sure I follow your reasoning here - can you explain what this feature
would do?

For example, the "bitbake <image> -ctestimage" requires a few pkgs installed,
such as psplash-default, see the testcase in meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/smart.py:

    def test_smart_install(self):
        self.smart('remove -y psplash-default')
        self.smart('install -y psplash-default')

The test would fail without psplash-default installed, and also it requires
sshd installed on the target. When IMAGE_FETURES += "test", we can install
these required packages, I'm not sure this is a good idea, or maybe we can
enhance testimge.bbclass to do it. Another way to fix the problem might be
not hardcode the package name.

// Robert


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