On 2016-11-01 11:18, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

  more pedantry: i notice that a small number of layers (eg,
meta-freescale, meta-mentor) include "dynamic" layers, so that some
sublayers are included only conditionally if others layers are
included. from meta-freescale's layer.conf:

///// start

  # The dynamic-layers directory hosts the extensions and layer specific
  # modifications related to Freescale products.
  # The .bbappend and .bb files are included if the respective layer
  # collection is available.
  BBFILES += "${@' '.join('${LAYERDIR}/dynamic-layers/%s/recipes*/*/*.bbappend' 
% layer \
               for layer in BBFILE_COLLECTIONS.split())}"
  BBFILES += "${@' '.join('${LAYERDIR}/dynamic-layers/%s/recipes*/*/*.bb' % 
layer \
               for layer in BBFILE_COLLECTIONS.split())}"

///// end

where the "dynamic-layers" directory in that layer contains further
recipe directories with .bbappend files related to other layers:

  drwxrwxr-x. 3 rpjday rpjday 4096 Jun 26 06:36 browser-layer
  drwxrwxr-x. 3 rpjday rpjday 4096 Jun 26 06:36 efl-layer
  drwxrwxr-x. 3 rpjday rpjday 4096 Jun 26 06:36 filesystem-layer
  drwxrwxr-x. 4 rpjday rpjday 4096 Jun 26 06:36 networking-layer
  drwxrwxr-x. 6 rpjday rpjday 4096 Jun 26 06:36 openembedded-layer
  drwxrwxr-x. 3 rpjday rpjday 4096 Jun 26 06:36 qt4-layer
  drwxrwxr-x. 3 rpjday rpjday 4096 Jun 26 06:36 qt5-layer
  drwxrwxr-x. 3 rpjday rpjday 4096 Jun 26 06:36 virtualization-layer

seems like an interesting idea ... opinions on whether this is a
useful approach? or possibly overly confusing? is this approach
mentioned in any OE/YP doc?

It's very useful if they have .bbappend files in these directories
as that will cause problems building if you don't include the corresponding

Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world
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