On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 9:06 PM, Christopher Larson <clar...@kergoth.com>

> On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 5:11 AM, Jagadeesh Krishnanjanappa <
> jkrishnanjana...@mvista.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for reviewing the patch.
>>> I think this is too fragile to land in OE-Core. What happens if a
>>> network driver prints "device=eth0"? Or if other kernel messages make
>>> the string disappear from dmesg and connman gets restarted later?
>> True. If device=eth0 gets disappeared/corrupted, then we may have problem.
>>> FWIW, I'm attaching my current wrapper script for connmand. I don't
>>> think it's perfect, but at least it doesn't depend on any init manager
>>> and works across restarts.
>> The wrapper script attached by you, takes care of the missing scenarios.
>> Seems to be more complete.
>> Add these lines to connman's do_install, in case you'd like to test
>>> and/or submit it:
>>> mv ${D}${sbindir}/connmand ${D}${sbindir}/connmand.real
>>> install -m 755 ${WORKDIR}/connmand-nfsroot.in ${D}${sbindir}/connmand
>>> sed -e 's,@sbindir@,${sbindir},g' -i ${D}${sbindir}/connmand
>> I think it would be good idea to integrate your changes into the already
>> existing OE-core's connman script, instead of a calling original connman
>> script from the wrapper script.
> I threw together https://github.com/openembedded/openembedded-
> core/compare/master...kergoth:connman-systemd-nfs last night,
> only limited testing. I think using a script in libexecdir is rather
> cleaner than wrapping connmand in place, for something like this,
> personally.

In the above commit,  the last line of connman/connman/start-connman file,
should be exec @SBINDIR@/connmand "$@" instead of exec @SBINDIR@/connman
"$@" ; as the actual binary file name is connmand.

> --
> Christopher Larson
> clarson at kergoth dot com
> Founder - BitBake, OpenEmbedded, OpenZaurus
> Maintainer - Tslib
> Senior Software Engineer, Mentor Graphics
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