Currently, prelink doesn't work unless base_libdir/libdir match
its hardcoded values. This patch manipulates those paths so that 
they match the values set in the variables and handles multilib
configurations too. The manipulations only happen in the target
case, if needed.

[YOCTO #10282]

Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>

diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/prelink/ 
index 5d9f260..39c9c66 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-devtools/prelink/
+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/prelink/
@@ -44,6 +44,96 @@ BBCLASSEXTEND = "native"
 EXTRA_OECONF = "--disable-selinux --with-pkgversion=${PV}-${PR} \
+addtask do_linkerpaths before do_configure after do_patch
+# For target prelink we need to ensure paths match the lib path layout
+# including for any configured multilibs
+python do_linkerpaths () {
+    overrides = d.getVar("OVERRIDES").split(":")
+    if "class-target" not in overrides:
+        return
+    arches = all_multilib_tune_list(d, "TUNE_ARCH")
+    baselibs = all_multilib_tune_list(d, "baselib")
+    abis = all_multilib_tune_list(d, "ABIEXTENSION")
+    def replace_lines(f, search, replacement, d, firstonly = False, secondonly 
= False):
+        f = d.expand(f)
+        if search == replacement:
+            return
+        bb.debug(2, "Replacing %s with %s in %s" % (search, replacement, f))
+        with open(f, "r") as data:
+            lines = data.readlines()
+        with open(f, "w") as data:
+            for line in lines:
+                if not secondonly and not firstonly:
+                    line = line.replace(search, replacement)
+                elif secondonly and search in line:
+                    secondonly = False
+                elif firstonly and search and search in line:
+                    line = line.replace(search, replacement)
+                    search = None
+                data.write(line)
+    def replace_lines_rtld(f, search, replacement, section, d):
+        f = d.expand(f)
+        bb.debug(2, "Replacing %s with %s in %s" % (search, replacement, f))
+        with open(f, "r") as data:
+            lines = data.readlines()
+        found = False
+        found2 = False
+        with open(f, "w") as data:
+            for line in lines:
+                if section in line:
+                    if section == "else" and "if" in line:
+                        found = False
+                    else:
+                        found = True
+                if found and "dst_LIB =" in line:
+                    found2 = True
+                elif "}" in line:
+                    found = False
+                    found2 = False
+                if found2:
+                    line = line.replace(search, replacement)
+                data.write(line)
+    for i, arch in enumerate(arches):
+        tune_baselib = baselibs[i]
+        abi = abis[i]
+        bits = 32
+        if arch == "powerpc":
+            replace_lines("${S}/src/arch-ppc.c", "/lib/", "/" + 
tune_baselib + "/", d)
+        elif arch == "powerpc64":
+            replace_lines("${S}/src/arch-ppc64.c", "/lib64/", "/" + 
tune_baselib + "/", d)
+            bits = 64
+        elif arch == "x86_64":
+            if abi == "x32":
+                replace_lines("${S}/src/arch-x86_64.c", 
"/libx32/", "/" + tune_baselib + "/", d)
+            else:
+                replace_lines("${S}/src/arch-x86_64.c", 
"/lib64/", "/" + tune_baselib + "/", d)
+            bits = 64
+        elif arch == "arm":
+            replace_lines("${S}/src/arch-arm.c", "/lib/", "/" + 
tune_baselib + "/", d)
+            replace_lines("${S}/src/arch-arm.c", "/lib/", 
"/" + tune_baselib + "/", d)
+        elif arch == "mips" or arch == "mipsel":
+            replace_lines("${S}/src/arch-mips.c", "/lib/", "/" + 
tune_baselib + "/", d, firstonly=True)
+            replace_lines("${S}/src/arch-mips.c", "/lib32/", "/" + 
tune_baselib + "/", d)
+        elif arch == "mips64" or arch == "mips64el":
+            replace_lines("${S}/src/arch-mips.c", "/lib/", "/" + 
tune_baselib + "/", d, secondonly=True)
+            replace_lines("${S}/src/arch-mips.c", "/lib64/", "/" + 
tune_baselib + "/", d)
+            bits = 64
+        elif arch.endswith("86"):
+            replace_lines("${S}/src/arch-i386.c", "/lib/", "/" + 
tune_baselib + "/", d)
+        if bits == 32 and tune_baselib != "lib":
+            replace_lines_rtld("${S}/src/rtld/rtld.c", "lib", tune_baselib, 
"else", d)
+        if bits == 64 and tune_baselib != "lib64":
+            replace_lines_rtld("${S}/src/rtld/rtld.c", "lib64", tune_baselib, 
"use_64bit", d)
 do_configure_prepend () {
         # Disable documentation!
         echo "all:" > ${S}/doc/

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