When a recipe uses more than one source which isn't a plain file (for
example, multiple git repos), then do_ar_original created the source
archives using the same filename and thus only archived one source.

The "name" parameter is used as file suffix to create unique names for
each source, leading to archives following this pattern:

The ${PF} part is a bit redundant, which may or may not be
desirable. The patch is more localized this way (no need to modify

For example, meta-oic's iotivity_1.1.1.bb uses:

   url_iotivity = "git://github.com/iotivity/iotivity.git"
   branch_iotivity = "1.1-rel"
   SRC_URI = 

   url_tinycbor = "git://github.com/01org/tinycbor.git"
   SRC_URI += 

   url_hippomocks = "git://github.com/dascandy/hippomocks.git"
   SRC_URI += 
   SRC_URI += "file://hippomocks_mips_patch"

   url_gtest = 
   SRC_URI += "${url_gtest};name=gtest;subdir=${BP}/extlibs/gtest"

   url_sqlite = "http://www.sqlite.org/2015/sqlite-amalgamation-3081101.zip";
   SRC_URI += 

These now get archived in deploy/sources/*/iotivity-1.1.1-r2/ as:

gtest-1.7.0.zip                      iotivity-1.1.1-r2-recipe.tar.gz    
hippomocks_mips_patch                iotivity-1.1.1-r2.tar.gz
iotivity-1.1.1-r2-hippomocks.tar.gz  iotivity-1.1.1-r2-tinycbor.tar.gz

Signed-off-by: Patrick Ohly <patrick.o...@intel.com>
 meta/classes/archiver.bbclass | 17 ++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/meta/classes/archiver.bbclass b/meta/classes/archiver.bbclass
index 5f9c91d..1d8e863 100644
--- a/meta/classes/archiver.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/archiver.bbclass
@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ python do_ar_original() {
         encoded = bb.fetch2.encodeurl(decoded)
         urls[i] = encoded
     fetch = bb.fetch2.Fetch(urls, d)
+    tarball_suffix = {}
     for url in fetch.urls:
         local = fetch.localpath(url).rstrip("/");
         if os.path.isfile(local):
@@ -158,7 +159,21 @@ python do_ar_original() {
         elif os.path.isdir(local):
             tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=d.getVar('ARCHIVER_WORKDIR', True))
             fetch.unpack(tmpdir, (url,))
-            create_tarball(d, tmpdir + '/.', '', ar_outdir)
+            # To handle recipes with more than one source, we add the "name"
+            # URL parameter as suffix. We treat it as an error when
+            # there's more than one URL without a name, or a name gets reused.
+            # This is an additional safety net, in practice the name has
+            # to be set when using the git fetcher, otherwise SRCREV cannot
+            # be set separately for each URL.
+            params = bb.fetch2.decodeurl(url)[5]
+            name = params.get('name', '')
+            if name in tarball_suffix:
+                if not name:
+                    bb.fatal("Cannot determine archive names for original 
source because 'name' URL parameter is unset in more than one URL. Add it to at 
least one of these: %s %s" % (tarball_suffix[name], url))
+                else:
+                    bb.fatal("Cannot determine archive names for original 
source because 'name=' URL parameter '%s' is used twice. Make it unique in: %s 
%s" % (tarball_suffix[name], url))
+            tarball_suffix[name] = url
+            create_tarball(d, tmpdir + '/.', name, ar_outdir)
     # Emit patch series files for 'original'
     bb.note('Writing patch series files...')

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