Based on a discussion with IRC user: Ulfalizer

It was suggested that removing the diagnostic list, and replacing it with a
simple hint to what might be causing the problem was a better solution.

Signed-off-by: Mark Hatle <>
 meta/lib/oe/ | 20 ++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/lib/oe/ b/meta/lib/oe/
index d609593..dc88f62 100644
--- a/meta/lib/oe/
+++ b/meta/lib/oe/
@@ -838,11 +838,13 @@ class RpmPM(PackageManager):
                     new_pkg = self._search_pkg_name_in_feeds(subst, feed_archs)
                     if not new_pkg:
                         # Failed to translate, package not found!
-                        err_msg = '%s not found in the %s feeds (%s).' % \
-                                  (pkg, mlib, " ".join(feed_archs))
+                        err_msg = '%s not found in the %s feeds (%s) in %s.' % 
+                                  (pkg, mlib, " ".join(feed_archs), 
self.d.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR_RPM', True))
                         if not attempt_only:
-                            bb.error("List of available packages: " + " 
-                            bb.fatal(err_msg)
+                            bb.error(err_msg)
+                            bb.fatal("This is often caused by an empty package 
declared " \
+                                     "in a recipe's PACKAGES variable. (Empty 
packages are " \
+                                     "not constructed unless ALLOW_EMPTY_<pkg> 
= '1' is used.)")
@@ -855,11 +857,13 @@ class RpmPM(PackageManager):
                 default_archs = self.ml_prefix_list['default']
                 new_pkg = self._search_pkg_name_in_feeds(pkg, default_archs)
                 if not new_pkg:
-                    err_msg = '%s not found in the feeds (%s).' % \
-                              (pkg, ' '.join(default_archs))
+                    err_msg = '%s not found in the feeds (%s) in %s.' % \
+                                  (pkg, " ".join(default_archs), 
self.d.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR_RPM', True))
                     if not attempt_only:
-                        bb.error("List of available packages: " + " 
-                        bb.fatal(err_msg)
+                        bb.error(err_msg)
+                        bb.fatal("This is often caused by an empty package 
declared " \
+                                 "in a recipe's PACKAGES variable. (Empty 
packages are " \
+                                 "not constructed unless ALLOW_EMPTY_<pkg> = 
'1' is used.)")

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