On 8/11/16 11:26 AM, Burton, Ross wrote:
> On 8 August 2016 at 07:04, Chen Qi <qi.c...@windriver.com
> <mailto:qi.c...@windriver.com>> wrote:
>     Previously, localedir is set to "${libdir}/locale". This would result
>     in locale database installed in '/usr/lib64/locale' in some multilib case.
>     For example, if we build out a multilib x86-64 self-hosted image and we 
> try
>     to build projects on this host, things broke and the following error 
> appears.
>       Please use a locale setting which supports utf-8.
>       Python can't change the filesystem locale after loading so we need a 
> utf-8
>     when python starts or things won't work.
>     This is because '/usr/lib/locale' is the default one. And actually the
>     nativesdk-glibc is now set to use '/usr/lib/locale'.
> This is irrelevant as nativesdk-glibc is configured to read the *hosts* locale
> directory.
>     Thus, we change the setting of 'localedir' to '${nonarch_libdir}/locale' 
> to
>     fix the above problem.
> I see two issues here:
> 1) should binary locales be considered shared in multilib environments? 
> (libdir
> vs nonarch_libdir)
> 2) what packages are not respecting this variable and hard-coding 
> /usr/lib/locale?
> I'm guessing WR think yes to (1), and is the glibc patch you also sent the
> fundamental fix to (2)?

Binary locales have an endian and alignment setting to them.  If a platform
supports both big and little endian, this common locale would not work.  (That
is extremely rare....)  Also if a platform supports different alignments in
different libraries that could cause an impact as well.  (This is also extremely

The not-binary locales have no such issues BTW.


> Ross

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