Hello all,

We are having issues with our generated SDK files. We're using the jethro
branch, and have enabled multilib (see relevant portion of local.conf

I can succesfully run the command to generate the SDK:
$ bitbake <recipe name> -c populate_sdk

But the output is incorrect. *While the aarch sysroots look good, the
sysroots for arm are completely missing. The environment setup script ends
up pointing to non-existent compilers. *Please let me know if you need more

Steps to reproduce:
$ bitbake <recipe name> -c populate_sdk
$ cp tmp/deploy/sdk/<sdk-script>.sh /test/directory
$ cd /test/directory
$ bash <sdk-script>.sh
$ ls sysroots/
aarch64-poky-linux/   x86_64-pokysdk-linux/

Note the missing ARM directories.

Also, the setup script for arm sets this as the command for compiler:
 12 export CC="arm-pokymllib32-linux-gnueabi-gcc

But that compiler doesn't exist anywhere in the folder where I installed
everything, or environment!

So it appears that it's not completely or correctly packaging everything
for ARMv7.

The documentation does mention some environment variables
but it's not clear how those related to multilib.

For instance, none of our recipes have "SDKIMAGE_FEATURES" defined, but
clearly the aarch64 sysroots are getting populated correctly (we
succesfully compiled and ran a simple hello world).

*Can anyone point me to an example, or discuss a successful use of
"multilib" on the Jethro branch (given desparate brainstorming below),
share some more verbose documentation, or ask follow-up questions?*

Desperate brainstorming below:
I did find this years-old patch:
Notably, the do_populate_sdk method in
poky/meta/classes/populate_sdk_base.bbclass iterates over the values listed
in the MULTILIB_VARIANTS variable:

+       variants = d.getVar("MULTILIB_VARIANTS", True) or ""+   for item in
variants.split():+              # Load overrides from 'd' to avoid having to 
the value...+           overrides = d.getVar("OVERRIDES", False) +
":virtclass-multilib-" + item+          localdata.setVar("OVERRIDES",
overrides)+             bb.data.update_data(localdata)+         

The latest version in Jethro does not have anything equivalent to that, but
I did not dig deeply into the code or the commit history.

More data:

local.conf relevant section:
# Multilib configuration
# This sets any packages preprended with lib32- to be built with
# the armv7a tuning (32 bit) instead of 64 bit aarch.
require conf/multilib.conf
MULTILIBS = "multilib:lib32"
DEFAULTTUNE_virtclass-multilib-lib32 = "armv7at-neon"
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