On 7/27/16 12:17 PM, Aníbal Limón wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I was working debugging an issue for missing /var/log/messages in
> systemd/busybox images [1] and then i found that busybox drop support
> for systemd from 1.25 version [2].
> This ends in a set of questions of what we need to do in systemd/busybox
> images since the next version of busybox will not support systemd,
> I have a couple of ideas,
> - Remove the support of busybox in systemd images?, this is the hard
> one, we need an sw alternative here may be toybox...
> - Maintain the systemd support in busybox?, the patch [2] is small atm
> but in the future may be this will cause problems for maintain it.

I know we've had customers who want a 'busybox free' system.  In YP 2.0 there
were still a few items provided by busybox, so just disabling it (blacklist)
wasn't easy.

This sounds like a good opportunity to make sure that you can make a system that
works with and without busybox.

With that said, looking at [2] below.  I don't see that busybox ever really
supported or not systemd (contrary to what it says.)

It just means if systemd is selected, and the user is using busybox -- you
should not use syslogd out of busybox.  I think this is a reasonable requirement
-- and something that should be fairly easy to implement.  (With systemd, I'm
not sure why you would want to use the busybox syslogd anyway.. it's too limited


> Best regards,
>       alimon
> [1]
> http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/poky-contrib/commit/?h=alimon/debug_times2&id=aa143dbe3cb233ee50944ebb62c541c823179a04
> [2]
> https://git.busybox.net/busybox/commit/?id=accd9eeb719916da974584b33b1aeced5f3bb346

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