On 12 July 2016 at 08:57, Gary Thomas <g...@mlbassoc.com> wrote:

> Now that GCC 4.x is gone, we're left with (currently) 5.4 & 6.1
> Is the intention to track these both for a while, or will 5.x
> also be gone once things are working with 6.x?
> ... just wondering where to spend my effort since I'll have to
> make my targets (some are very old) work with at least 5.x
> Any advice?  Thanks

Personally I was thinking that gcc 5.x and 6.x should stay in oe-core for
this cycle, and then drop 5.x after the release.  I'm not the toolchain
owner though so that's just an opinion.

In theory bringing back toolchains isn't rocket science - just copying the
4.x recipes from oe-core prior to their removal into a new layer and
setting GCCVERSION should work.

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