On 03/10/2016 04:54 PM, Jens Rehsack wrote:

Am 10.03.2016 um 06:13 schrieb Gary Thomas <g...@mlbassoc.com>:

I'm working on a package (amanda - the Advanced Maryland Archiving
system) that is written heavily in perl with swig interfaces to C.
This code ran great until the update to perl 5.22; it now dies a
horrible death on almost every activity.  These failures seem to
always be in the swig generated wrappers, but that may just be
where most of the work gets done.

I've narrowed this down to exactly the change to perl 5.22 from
5.20. Using bisect as well as experimentation (e.g. trying all
the compiler combinations that have occurred since a last good
version) and I can go from working to failing by only the change
in perl.

The interesting (scary) thing is that I've built amanda for my
target natively on my board running debian, including perl 5.22.
This means I can't say definitively  that perl 5.22 is the culprit
as on debian it runs fine.  So, it's got something to do with the
OE environment/porting/packaging of perl and not just the revision.

I've also tested this on multiple architectures (ARM, PowerPC) with
the same results - with perl 5.20 amanda works, with perl 5.22 it fails.

I've compared the actual 5.22.1 sources used by OE-core and debian
and they are subtly different, although I can't pinpoint any change
that might be responsible.

For the moment, I can just fall back to perl 5.20 for my target
that needs to run amanda, but this isn't a real solution (e.g.
in this state I can't propose my recipe to any layer as it's
totally broken with the current OE-core).  I'd like to see this
fixed but the amanda code (swig wrappers) are horribly complex
which makes debugging quite the challenge, not to mention they
may be about the only way to uncover the bug, whether it's in
amanda or perl.

Any suggestions on how to move forward?

Since I have no clue what's wrong and how it fails (backtrace
would point in some directions), several ideas might work:

How clean is your build location (we realize that often between
updates some files remain in our target images until we wipe
tmp/ - cleansstate for image doesn't help ...)?

Did you prove the library path's of your *.so's? Perl does
almost everything within libperl.so - build against wrong version
causes in weird crashes (scan DBI mailing list for admin's
build issues of DBI on AIX/HP-UX ...).

Maybe share your recipe can help to reproduce the problem
elsewhere and debug locally.

I've spent quite a lot of time trying to come up with debuggable
scenario(s) on many different targets.  This is all packed up in

If you give the README a look, you'll see that there are plenty
of issues to be looked at.

Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world
Openembedded-core mailing list

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