Do you have a recipe for zetakey ? Something like ?
If don't you need write one and add it to a layer firstly. Here is
a QuickStart:

And this email should go into oe-core mailing list (See the CC).

// Robert

On 03/11/2016 09:05 PM, Praveenreddy Padamati wrote:

I tried IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " zetakey". But it is failed. Below is the Log

HCL-Desktop:~/fsl-release-bsp/build$ bitbake core-image-sato
Parsing recipes: 100% 
 Time: 00:01:26
Parsing of 1747 .bb files complete (0 cached, 1747 parsed). 2189 targets, 84 
skipped, 1 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
ERROR: Nothing RPROVIDES 'zetakey' (but 
 RDEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)
NOTE: Runtime target 'zetakey' is unbuildable, removing...
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['zetakey']
ERROR: Required build target 'core-image-sato' has no buildable providers.
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['core-image-sato', 'zetakey']

Summary: There were 2 ERROR messages shown, returning a non-zero exit code.

Praveen Reddy P
From: Robert Yang []
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2016 8:52 AM
To: Praveenreddy Padamati; ''
Subject: Re: [bitbake-devel] Hi

On 03/10/2016 03:10 PM, Praveenreddy Padamati wrote:
Hi all,

I need to add zetakey browser to the yocto core-image-sato. Can you provide any
data how to add this browse to the build.

Add this to local.conf:

IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " zetakey"

Note, there is a space " " which is a must, then:

$ bitbake core-image-sato

*Thanks and Regards,*

*Praveen Reddy P**
**HCL Technologies Ltd*| Lead Engineer | Alstom ODC| ERS-SS-SCS-Embedded
Platform Lab

P*hone:* +914443935173 | *Mobile:* +919989642159 | *E-mail:* <>_

*Company address:*HCL Technologies Ltd ,73-74, South Phase,Ambattur Industrial
Estate (AMB-5), Chennai - 600 058,India
*Switchboard:*__+91-44-4393-5000  Web*Site:* <>


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