On 03/13/16 16:53, Paul Eggleton wrote:
On Sun, 13 Mar 2016 16:42:41 Trevor Woerner wrote:
That's the problem I'm trying to solve: how can I easily keep all the
information required to reproduce this build, exactly. The whole "two
meta's" thing was just a speed bump.

Right, understood, and it does make sense. I'm convinced there is an
underlying problem to fix that this just papers over though.

Okay, I think I see your point, and I agree. There is a layer clone problem that should be addressed.

But again, I think this is a speed bump.

My underlying point is that we're purposefully leaving out information that is vital to reproducible builds.

This probably fits with what you said at OEDEM, which was that too often the
system doesn't build properly out of the box for various boards. Have you had
a chance to think about that problem further?

Oh yes, but I'm rather sure nobody's going to like my suggestion, which makes me hesitant to suggest it ;-)

It should be possible for me to hand you _one_ configuration file and from that you could reproduce my entire build in _one_ step by issuing _one_ command. If I can get something to build successfully for a given board, you should too. But currently that's not always the case.

bblayers.conf and local.conf should somehow be rolled into one and the build should have some sort of "repo tool"-like functionality built in.

I hand you this one configuration file, you run "bitbake some-or-other" and the build starts by going through the provided list of layers checking out the exact ones I have used and potentially checking them out at the exact revisions I've used. This means the layer list will have to specify from where the layer was found, which branch, what the HEAD was, etc. In other words, exactly the information I'm trying to capture at the end of any build today.

I really think this might help everyone.

Newbies would have a better out-of-box experience. Chances are they just bought some board and want to make a build for it. I think it is rare that someone stumbles onto The Yocto Project and is happy just doing builds for qemu. My belief is that people find The Yocto Project as a secondary event, the main event is they want to perform a build for the hardware that just arrived and is sitting on their desk. The generic documentation doesn't target their board specifically, so in addition to trying to understand this new build system, they also have to figure out how to get a layer, where to get it from, and how to add it to their build. I know that The Yocto Project does have BSPs for beaglebone, raspberry pi 2, generic x86(-64), edgerouter, and some ppc board... and if this newbie happens to have one of those, things might go better. But if they have some other board...

I think experienced developers would be helped too by the combined config+layer-full-details thing too. For example, developers would swap configs between each other more easily, and build artifacts could be kept for future reference which is very important in a production environment.

The current way of doing things purposely hides information, and this is bad.

bblayers only tells you that on a given day on a specific machine there was a layer at a specific location that was used for this build. If that layer is something that was pulled from somewhere else (and not, as Khem was mentioning, something that was done locally) then there is no mechanism anywhere that preserves this information. There's a gap; a gap in the information. On my machine there's a meta-browser layer, on github there are hundreds of meta-browser layers, bblayers just says I used something called meta-browser... but the link is missing which points to from where I got this layer.

If I wanted to be really devious I could clone my repositories with any weird old name I wanted. I could clone meta-browser and name it openembedded-core and clone openembedded-core and name it meta-trevor. My build would still work 100%, but good luck with that! :-D

The genie's out of the bottle. There already are hundreds of clones. There is no way to police it, there is no way to force people to use globally unique names. I don't know how you're going to fix something like that. I think the best thing is to recognize this is going to happen and take steps to mitigate the issue... such as specifying where layers are coming from both in the config (for external layers) and after the build to record what happened.

I don't want to embarrass anyone by giving names, and I certainly don't want to be seen as a troll :-( I've been playing around with a large number of boards for the last while and there are lots of issues that I've come across. I already mentioned my thoughts on the out-of-box experience for newbies who have just bought a board and now have to figure out how to successfully add a layer.

Another thing I come across is the following: given a company (ACME) who produces a bunch of boards (ACME-1, ACME-2, and ACME-3). The ACME-1 has CPU-1, ACME-2 has CPU-2, and ACME-3 has CPU-3. On github you'll find several meta-acme's and a couple meta-cpu's. Some of the meta-acme's will have support for one or more of the ACME-n boards, but not necessarily all of them, or you might find your board is supported by one of the meta-cpu repositories you've found. You'll even find one of those meta-acme's in the layerindex, but the developer of that particular layer only has 2 out of the 3 boards so that's all their layer supports. If you happen to have the one that's not in layerindex's meta-acme then you'll need to google and use some other meta-acme you've found yourself. When you ask the maintainers of the various meta-acme's to please get together and make sure the layerindex layer fully supports all the ACME board, sadly that doesn't happen. When you provide patches and pull requests to add the missing support, you're at the mercy of the maintainer, who is happy to refuse your contribution for all manner of reasons ;-)

Simply having a bblayers file that says meta-acme or meta-cpu isn't good enough. And hoping that we can all standardize on one layer... well, you know what they say about standards! :-D
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