* winis...@futuraautomation.com <winis...@futuraautomation.com> [160305 06:45]:
> winiston@winiston-VirtualBox:~/poky/build$ bitbake qt4e-demo-image
> Loading cache: 100% |##########################| ETA:  00:00:00
> Loaded 2176 entries from dependency cache.
> ERROR: ParseError at 
> /home/winiston/poky/meta-oe/recipes-connectivity/networkmanager/networkmanager_1.0.10.bb:12:
>  Could not inherit file classes/bash-completion.bbclass

> Summary: There was 1 ERROR message shown, returning a non-zero exit code.
> winiston@winiston-VirtualBox:~/poky/build$ 

Well, the networkmanager recipe in mete-oe needs a class,
bash-completion, which isn't available to you.

> meta              
> meta-yocto        
> meta-yocto-bsp    = "jethro:12fae239641cc7a72c509a1a0841ab8bb06ce7f0"

This tells us that you're using the jethro branch from OE-core. This
one doesn't have the class that you required earlier. The class is only
avalaible in the master branch.

> meta-oe           = "jethro:12fae239641cc7a72c509a1a0841ab8bb06ce7f0"

Well, this one lies to us, as you have only copied meta-oe. Had you
cloned the repository instead, we would be able to tell you that you're
not using the jethro branch of meta-oe, but rather the master branch, a
lot easier.

You need to use the correct branches for all your layers. Mixing release
branches for certain layers, and master branches for other is a no-go,
unless you know what you're doing. (And can handle the pain yourself).


Anders Darander, Senior System Architect
ChargeStorm AB / eStorm AB
Openembedded-core mailing list

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