On 02/28/16 03:32, Richard Purdie wrote:
On Sat, 2016-02-27 at 19:53 -0500, Trevor Woerner wrote:
On 02/25/16 10:06, brendan.le.f...@intel.com wrote:
npm class supports the npm fetcher, helping doing the basic
stages of an npm package
Any chance you might have an npm recipe example? Maybe something like
Not express but there are some in:
I guess I don't have enough "plumbing" quite yet. I have all the master
branches of everything I need and I cherry picked Brendan's npm.bbclass
but I still get:
$ bitbake forever
ERROR: ExpansionError during parsing
Failure expanding variable do_fetch[file-checksums], expression was
${@bb.fetch.get_checksum_file_list(d)} ${@get_lic_checksum_file_list(d)}
which triggered exception NoMethodError: Could not find a fetcher which
supports the URL: 'npm://registry.npmjs.org;name=once;version=1.3.3'
I'm not sure if this error is complaining about a fetcher issue (which I
can't figure out because bitbake does have the commits with support for
npm://) or a license/checksum error.
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