>> I guess the thing missing is an indication that the repo on github is
>> official and maintained.  Specifically the deniskropp repo has been
>> recently touched but you have to admit
>> that https://github.com/DirectFB/directfb looks more official.
> Denis Oliver Kropp is the main developer of DirectFB and the description
> of https://github.com/deniskropp/DirectFB says "Official DirectFB GitHub
> Repository".

Why did he make a new account on github then? Commits to the old directfb
repo were done from a different account (https://github.com/dfbdok). Also,
there has been no activity whatsoever since October, and no announcement
anywhere, and no response to my request or the other open issue in that
repo. I wouldn't trust that directfb is still alive; we need to wait and

To me, it looks likely that the funding was cut, Denis Kropp has tried to
keep the project alive but then just abandoned it.

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