On 1/13/16 3:47 PM, Mark Hatle wrote:
> On 1/13/16 8:56 AM, Mark Hatle wrote:
>> On 1/13/16 4:28 AM, Markus Lehtonen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Tue, 2016-01-12 at 18:24 +0200, Markus Lehtonen wrote:
>>>> Hi Mark,
>>>> Thank you for your review! Comments below.
>>>> On Mon, 2016-01-11 at 10:33 -0600, Mark Hatle wrote:
>>>>> On 1/11/16 10:13 AM, Markus Lehtonen wrote:
>>>>>> Implement support for remote signing using obs-signd. It is now possible
>>>>>> to sign both RPM packages and package feeds with this method. The user
>>>>>> just needs to set RPM_GPG_BACKEND and/or PACKAGE_FEED_GPG_BACKEND
>>>>>> variables to 'obssign' in the bitbake config. Of course, in addition,
>>>>>> one needs to setup the signing server and the configure the 'sign'
>>>>>> client command on the build host. The *_PASSPHRASE_FILE settings are not
>>>>>> used when the obssign backend is enabled.
>>>>>> [YOCTO #8755]
>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Markus Lehtonen <markus.lehto...@linux.intel.com>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  meta/classes/sign_package_feed.bbclass |  5 +++-
>>>>>>  meta/classes/sign_rpm.bbclass          |  5 +++-
>>>>>>  meta/lib/oe/gpg_sign.py                | 48 
>>>>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>>>  3 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
>>>>>> diff --git a/meta/classes/sign_package_feed.bbclass 
>>>>>> b/meta/classes/sign_package_feed.bbclass
>>>>>> index d5df8af..953fa85 100644
>>>>>> --- a/meta/classes/sign_package_feed.bbclass
>>>>>> +++ b/meta/classes/sign_package_feed.bbclass
>>>>>> @@ -24,7 +24,10 @@ PACKAGE_FEED_GPG_BACKEND ?= 'local'
>>>>>>  python () {
>>>>>>      # Check sanity of configuration
>>>>>> -    for var in ('PACKAGE_FEED_GPG_NAME', 
>>>>>> +    required = ['PACKAGE_FEED_GPG_NAME']
>>>>>> +    if d.getVar('PACKAGE_FEED_GPG_BACKEND', True) != 'obssign':
>>>>>> +        required.append('PACKAGE_FEED_GPG_PASSPHRASE_FILE')
>>>>>> +    for var in required:
>>>>>>          if not d.getVar(var, True):
>>>>>>              raise_sanity_error("You need to define %s in the config" % 
>>>>>> var, d)
>>>>>> diff --git a/meta/classes/sign_rpm.bbclass 
>>>>>> b/meta/classes/sign_rpm.bbclass
>>>>>> index 8bcabee..8be1c35 100644
>>>>>> --- a/meta/classes/sign_rpm.bbclass
>>>>>> +++ b/meta/classes/sign_rpm.bbclass
>>>>>> @@ -23,7 +23,10 @@ RPM_GPG_BACKEND ?= 'local'
>>>>>>  python () {
>>>>>>      # Check configuration
>>>>>> -    for var in ('RPM_GPG_NAME', 'RPM_GPG_PASSPHRASE_FILE'):
>>>>>> +    required = ['RPM_GPG_NAME']
>>>>>> +    if d.getVar('RPM_GPG_BACKEND', True) != 'obssign':
>>>>>> +        required.append('RPM_GPG_PASSPHRASE_FILE')
>>>>>> +    for var in required:
>>>>>>          if not d.getVar(var, True):
>>>>>>              raise_sanity_error("You need to define %s in the config" % 
>>>>>> var, d)
>>>>>> diff --git a/meta/lib/oe/gpg_sign.py b/meta/lib/oe/gpg_sign.py
>>>>>> index 55abad8..d8ab816 100644
>>>>>> --- a/meta/lib/oe/gpg_sign.py
>>>>>> +++ b/meta/lib/oe/gpg_sign.py
>>>>>> @@ -66,11 +66,59 @@ class LocalSigner(object):
>>>>>>                                        (input_file, output))
>>>>>> +class ObsSigner(object):
>>>>>> +    """Class for handling signing with obs-signd"""
>>>>>> +    def __init__(self, keyid):
>>>>>> +        self.keyid = keyid
>>>>>> +        self.rpm_bin = bb.utils.which(os.getenv('PATH'), "rpm")
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +    def export_pubkey(self, output_file):
>>>>>> +        """Export GPG public key to a file"""
>>>>>> +        cmd = "sign -u '%s' -p" % self.keyid
>>>>>> +        status, output = oe.utils.getstatusoutput(cmd)
>>>>>> +        if status:
>>>>>> +            raise bb.build.FuncFailed('Failed to export gpg public key 
>>>>>> (%s): %s' %
>>>>>> +                                      (self.keyid, output))
>>>>>> +        with open(output_file, 'w') as fobj:
>>>>>> +            fobj.write(output)
>>>>>> +            fobj.write('\n')
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +    def sign_rpms(self, files):
>>>>>> +        """Sign RPM files"""
>>>>>> +        import pexpect
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +        # Remove existing signatures
>>>>>> +        cmd = "%s --delsign %s" % (self.rpm_bin, ' '.join(files))
>>>>> Why are you removing existing signatures?  I believe for many cases this 
>>>>> is
>>>>> actually incorrect.
>>>>> RPM (5) has the ability to have an endless number of signatures within a 
>>>>> given
>>>>> package.  The package SHOULD included the internal non-repudiable 
>>>>> signature...
>>>>> (to refresh memory) all RPM 5 packages include an internal non-repudiable
>>>>> signature.  Think of this as an extended md5sum, sha256sum, etc.  It 
>>>>> doesn't
>>>>> change that a package is 'authentic' in any way (often the purpose of 
>>>>> signatures
>>>>> like what this code is doing), but instead keeps a high reliability way 
>>>>> to sign
>>>>> and verify the package is signed properly.
>>>>> This is used for validation if the system doing the install does not have 
>>>>> the
>>>>> public key that the package was signed with.
>>>>> ... as well as one or more repudiable signatures that can be used to 
>>>>> verify that
>>>>> it's "authentic" in some way.  A system could very easily have OSV, OEM, 
>>>>> and ISV
>>>>> keys install on them.  You can program RPM in such a way that it will 
>>>>> refused to
>>>>> install packages with unknown authentication keys or the non-repudiable 
>>>>> key as well.
>>>>> So, I believe running delsign is wrong.  If the obs-signd can't handle 
>>>>> ADDING
>>>>> signatures to packages, then I'd say it is broken and should be fixed in 
>>>>> some
>>>>> way -- or at least the signature deletion code should be optional.
>>>> Yes, unfortunately this is currently the limitation of obs-signd. It
>>>> refuses to sign if there are signatures present in the rpm package.
>>>> Using --delsign is "unfortunate" consequence of this and that should've
>>>> probably been described in a comment. Making signature deletion a
>>>> configurable setting is hopefully a decent resolution for now. I will
>>>> send a new version of the patchset later.
>>> Backing up a bit here. I did some quick testing and it seems that RPM5
>>> does not support multiple signatures (anymore?). Doing --addsign seems
>>> to overwrite the existing signatures similarly to --resign. Support for
>>> multiple signatures were removed from RPM4 years ago.
>>> In this light, doing --delsign should be ok. What do you think?
>> I'll have to double check, but I used multiple signature support about 6 
>> months
>> ago with the YP 2.0 (still current oe version) version of RPM.
>> Are you using the correct rpm signing tool?  If you sign using RPM4's tool, 
>> then
>> you can get the behavior you are talking about.
>> (The easiest way to verify the signing is 'multiple' was via a debug flag, I
>> don't remember if rpm -K -vvvv <package> was the right approach of if it was 
>> a
>> more specific one, but the debugging clearly showed it loading multiple 
>> signatures.)
> I got clarification from the RPM5 maintainer.
> More or less there are slots for up to 3 signatures to be added.  Signatures 
> may
> include the ECDSA non-repudiable, RSA/DSA and another.  If the default 
> signature
> is already RSA/DSA it may be replaced -- from what I understand newer versions
> of RPM5 default to an ECDSA non-repudiable signature.
> The order of signature verification is first found.  So the -K behavior will
> likely not quite match what is actually verified during a package 
> installation.
>  So comparing rpm -Kvv and rpm -qvvp will show the various signatures a 
> package
> has loaded and will verify.
> (RPM5 should -always- have at least one signature that has a matching key 
> known
> to RPM.  This is used for validation purposes of the header.)
> So short answer.  We still should avoid 'delsign' in the RPM5 case.  Let RPM
> decide which slot to use and ensure that each package has either a repudiable 
> or
> non-repudiable signature (and included pubkey).

Following up on this again.  I'm wondering if the best approach would be to
remove the RPM specific actions in this code.  Rename it away from 'obsigner' as
well as the existing.  And just invoke a script that can be provided with OE
itself.  In the scripts directory provide two versions of the signer script.
One that does the traditional signing and one that can do the --delsign and call
the obs-sign program.

If we did it that way it would simplify the 'bbclass' and other functions, and
should not adversely affect performance.  It would also support the two
use-cases you have, as well as easily permit new ones without having to further
change the functionality.

The only thing we'd need to do is come up with a reasonable set of inputs for
the 'script', so that it knew the right versions of GPG, the correct set of
options, and other special behaviors that may be required to perform a signing
operation.  Exporting these through the environment or as command line arguments
would likely make it easy to extend it if necessary in the future.

You might even be able to do something like:


Simplifying the code further in that the RPM_PACKAGE_SIGNING_SCRIPT value would
contain all of the arguments necessary avoiding further special processing in
the bbclass...  The default behavior could be made compatible with the current
implementation, while secondary (OBS) behaviors could be added as documentation
how to change what happens.


> --Mark
>> --Mark
>>> Thanks,
>>>   Markus

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