On 01/14/2016 02:54 PM, Robert Yang wrote:
On 12/10/2015 06:41 PM, Hongxu Jia wrote:
Previously if multilib enabled and IMAGE_LINGUAS is assigned,
according to the type of image (multilib or non-multilib),
only the mapped language pkgs (multilib or non-multilib)
is installed to the image. It caused the other part could
not work.
Such as qemux86-64, the multilib prefix is lib32, and assign
IMAGE_LINGUAS_append = " en-us". For core-image-minimal image,
only locale-base-en-us is installed; and for lib32-core-image-
minimal image, only lib32-locale-base-en-us is installed.
For the core-image-minimal image, it did not support the
multilib version app to invoke setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "en_US.UTF-8")
I'm not sure whether this is right or not, if all of the installed
pkgs are lib32 (or allarch), then 64bit locales should not be installed,
and also, if all of the installed packages are 64bit, then lib32 locales
should not be installed.
Got it, as you said, it is not proper to install both of multilib and
non-multilib in this situation. So please drop it.
// Robert
in C.
Install multilib and non-multilib language pkgs for image
recipes could fix it.
The fix in image.bbclass is for non-multilib image recipes
(such as core-image-minimal); the fix in multilib.bbclass
is for multilib image (such as lib32-core-image-minimal)
[YOCTO #8784]
Signed-off-by: Hongxu Jia <hongxu....@windriver.com>
meta/classes/image.bbclass | 20 +++++++++++++++++++-
meta/classes/multilib.bbclass | 9 +++++++++
2 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/meta/classes/image.bbclass b/meta/classes/image.bbclass
index d2f8105..06b4003 100644
--- a/meta/classes/image.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/image.bbclass
@@ -220,7 +220,25 @@ ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND += 'empty_var_volatile;'
# some default locales
IMAGE_LINGUAS ?= "de-de fr-fr en-gb"
-LINGUAS_INSTALL ?= "${@" ".join(map(lambda s: "locale-base-%s" % s,
d.getVar('IMAGE_LINGUAS', True).split()))}"
+# Need all non-multilib and multilib of LINGUAS_INSTALL
+LINGUAS_INSTALL ?= "${@locale_base_packages(d)}"
+def locale_base_packages(d):
+ pkgs = []
+ imagelinguas = (d.getVar('IMAGE_LINGUAS', True) or "").split()
+ mlvars = (d.getVar("MULTILIB_VARIANTS", True) or "").split()
+ for lang in imagelinguas:
+ # Add non-multilib packages
+ pkg = "locale-base-%s" % lang
+ if pkg not in pkgs:
+ pkgs.append(pkg)
+ for prefix in mlvars:
+ # Add multilib packages
+ mlpkg = "%s-%s" % (prefix, pkg)
+ if mlpkg not in pkgs:
+ pkgs.append(mlpkg)
+ return ' '.join(pkgs)
# Prefer image, but use the fallback files for lookups if the image
# aren't yet available.
diff --git a/meta/classes/multilib.bbclass
index 052f911..ec8beb5 100644
--- a/meta/classes/multilib.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/multilib.bbclass
@@ -86,8 +86,17 @@ python __anonymous () {
if bb.data.inherits_class('image', d):
+ # Need all non-multilib and multilib of LINGUAS_INSTALL
+ linguasinstall = (d.getVar("LINGUAS_INSTALL", True) or
+ for lang in linguasinstall:
+ if lang not in (d.getVar("LINGUAS_INSTALL", True) or
+ d.appendVar("LINGUAS_INSTALL", " " + lang)
+ for lang in linguasinstall:
+ if lang not in (d.getVar("RDEPENDS", True) or "").split():
+ d.appendVar("RDEPENDS", " " + lang)
pinstall = d.getVar("LINGUAS_INSTALL", True) + " " +
d.getVar("PACKAGE_INSTALL", True)
d.setVar("PACKAGE_INSTALL", pinstall)
d.setVar("LINGUAS_INSTALL", "")
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